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I fucking hate storms. lucky for me living in the Slytherin doors meant I could barely hear or see it. on all nights except for tonight that was the case, I was on duty tonight and as if that wasn't bad enough it's with that ginger dickwad, Allester. I nervously paced around my room, contemplating whether or not I would put myself out there as scared or my usual angry bitchy facade. wait no! that's not a facade, I shouldn't have said that. I was ripped out of my thoughts as the sound of a fist hitting my door echoed off the walls.  I oped the door and immediately regretted it, rolling my eyes I slammed the door. 

"oh come on Y/n/n!" I opened the door to find a rejected looking Allester still at my door

"no. only my friends have the privilege of calling me that and you are very far from friends with me" I turned once again slamming the door. I heard a log frustrated sigh and the sound of him depleting footsteps. finally. well, look who's skipping her duties tonight, this bitch! besides, this is the night I've been waiting for, and electric storm I needed to hurry, I still had to get James, Sirius, Remus and Peter. I grabbed my coat and ran, doing my best to avoid anyone and everyone. 

I was halfway up the main staircases when I ran into a group of boys clad in red. thank fuck I grabbed James by the hand pulling him behind me. running down the hallway, I jumped every time the thunder cracked in the sky. James squeezed my hand tightly, reassuring me, I ran faster, we had to get there in time. I ran through the library avoiding the stern glare of the librarian and the loud complaints from the boys behind me. I grabbed the green book and tapped my foot impatiently as the door slowly opened. as soon as I could I ran in straight to the vials and smiled, a blood-red liquid filled the vials almost halfway. I passed them out to the boys and looked at them, 

"okay everyone knows the plan? Go to the shrieking shack everyone on a different floor, Peter, you on first, Remus you go with him, James second floor, I'm on third and Sirius is on fourth. say the incantation. meet on the second floor once you've transformed, we have forty-five minutes, go!" we all ran in different directions on our own paths to the shrieking shack, Personally I was flying. I have no doubt in my mind that the boys were going to run, they clearly didn't think that through. I grabbed my broom from off the wall and ran outside into the dark rainy night. 

Okay maybe I was the one who didn't think things through, but there's no turning back now. I mounted my broom and rode fast, the wind whipping my face, rain hitting my face at a painful pace but I pushed on. I eventually reached my destination and dismounted my broom running inside the creaky building. obviously I was the first one there, I quickly ran to my post on the third floor. I placed the end of my wand on my chest with a shaky hand and spoke,

"Amato Animo Animato Animagus" I popped off the cap of the vial downing the entire contents, It didn't taste bad, just of blood. not like I haven't drunk blood before but that's a different story. I dropped the glass vial as my chest started to burn painfully. I scrambled around trying to decide where to hide my wand, I tucked it into the waistband of my jeans. 

I scrambled back growing steadily more anxious as I waited, I crouched to the ground clutching my chest as it burned. The next thing I know my hand was no longer a hand but a wing. I stood on the small, shaky legs of a jet black, bird. a raven!

holy fuck I'm a raven. 

I tried to speak but all I could manage was a loud annoying squeak. I imagined my human form as vividly as I could in my mind. (just go with it) medium length black distinct potter hair, E/c eyes, sharp face line thin/thicc lips, painted black. S/c Skin, my face set in a sneer. My regular outfit of a cropped band tee, pocket watch and black mom jeans. the trademark leather jacket on my shoulders. I felt myself start to grow taller, it was working! I kept the image in my mind. trying to define it as much as I could. My limbs ached as I collapsed to the floor, luckily clothed and unscathed.

 I stood shakily, the first thing I did was pull off my leather jacket and inspect that it was okay. I can't have my defining aspect being ruined. I put it back on and then moved to adjust the rest of my, still soaked, clothes, retying one of my boots, pulling up my jeans by the waistband. I jumped as the thunder lapsed over the hills echoing in my ears. I pulled on the sleeves of my jacket and quickly ran down the stairs to the second floor to find the rest of the boys were already talking animatedly to each other. I just entered quietly shaking, cold and scared. I stood next to James, no one had noticed I entered. I slowly walked backwards running into the wall. the boys all turned smiling to face me, but it soon fell s they saw my face, sheet white and my eyes wide in fear. I took one look at them and ran out of the creaking building. 

I mounted my broom still running and quickly shot off. I heard distant shouting behind me but it was quickly masked by the loud pounding rain. my vision quickly was compromised fogged over from the storm. 

I lost control.

My hands slipped.


I fell, limp.

'it's not like anyone will mind anyways' 

so I gave in

who will care anyways?


I'm sorry you had to read this shit. I don't know why I posted it bcz it's awful like everything else I write or even do for a matter of fact

𝕴 𝖉𝖔𝖓'𝖙 𝖑𝖔𝖛𝖊 𝖞𝖔𝖚 ~ Regulus black x readerWhere stories live. Discover now