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this chapter starts a week into their stay at hogwarts


I sat in shock on James Potters's bed as the sandy-haired boy in front of me just told me at three in the bloody morning that he was a werewolf. My mouth hung open.

"you. Remus Lupin. who folds his fucking socks. are a werewolf" I said slowly in shock. around me, My brother, Sirius and Peter all had similar expressions to my own. 

"Yes! I wouldn't blame you if you didn't want to be my friends anymore" he mumbled,

"what do you mean" James said from on my right side

"well, you probably won't want to be friends with me, I'm dangerous! y-you could get hurt!" he stuttered waving his hands about anxiously.

"Rems, of course, we want to be your friend. you're like our brother!" Sirius said slightly sympathetically. wow, this guy can be a real pussy, nonetheless, all of us nodded in agreement.

"a-are you sure" I stood up and grabbed him by the shoulders, pulling him into a hug, he stiffened scared as if he thought he would turn right there and kill me. but soon enough hesitantly wrapped his arms around my waist.  I puller away and sat down next to James again. 

after a while of sitting in awkward silence, Peter spoke up,

"what can we do? C-can we use the map?" Peter was talking about the map we had in progress we hadn't come up with a name for it and it wasn't finished but it was close. It was going to be a map of all of Hogwarts, showing not only the layout but also people where they are, what they're doing, every minute of every day! Rumus sighed,

"No, there's not a lot we could do, the maps not done and that's besides the point I don't want you guys to risk your lives for me!" I stood up fumbling for my wand,

"no! there is something we can do!" I pulled out my wand and Flicked my wrist

"Accio!" I waited a second then flying through the open window came my book, possibly stolen from the restricted section I- We're not talking about this! Anyways I began to flip through the pages rapidly until I found the chapter boldly titled Animagus I stopped and turned to the confused looking boys.

"you know how McGonagall can change into a cat at will? she's an Animagus. W could become Animagus!" I turned the book around so they could see, Remus looked concerned but the rest of them looked very, very confused. I sighed annoyed 

"Werewolves only act out when they sense prey, Humans. they don't react the same way to animals!" I could see it on their faces when it clicked.

"oh my gods, yes kid! you're a genius!" Sirius shouted excited I grinned smugly.

"yes I know but shut the fuck up it's three in the bloody morning!" I whisper-yelled Everyone laughed although I could see the worry on Remus's face and it was clear James could see it too, Sibling thing then. 

"hey, Rems you know we want to do this right?"

"yeah I'm just worried" I brushed him off,

"psh, it's fine I've definitely been through worse" James looked at me terrified,

"WHAT!?"  I smirked

~~~~~ Time skip a month~~~~~

Fuck mandrakes, Fuck leaves, Fuck life, Fuck McGonagall, fuck being an animagus. I just want to get this bloody leaf out of my mouth. do you know how hard it is to hide that you have a fucking leaf in your mouth for a whole fucking moth when you're friends with a group of Slytherins? Really fucking hard! (that's what she said) 

I was ready to be over with this, tonight we were going to make the potions, although tomorrow was a full moon and Remus looks like death so he, per James annoying persistence, is staying in the dorms. I would obviously be doing the brewing merlin knows those dolts couldn't do it if we gave them half a brain. Dinner was over and I immediately ran to the Room Of Requirements to meet the boys I irritably pushed the leaf against my cheek. I began to pace probably looking quite mental. the ground shook slightly as the large door revealed itself to me. I glanced around anxious then slipped through the entrance. 

standing in the center of the room were four large cauldrons and a table of supplies, thank you castle! 

I began to prep quickly as James, Sirius and Peter entered. James came over and side hugged me, messing up my hair. I just pulled back slightly and glared at him, he walked away arms raised, poorly attempting to speak.

 After a few more minutes I called them over and instructed then to put their leaves in the crystal vials that I may or may not have also stolen. next, I walked around yanking out a hair from each of them placing it into their respective vials, Sirius screeched in protest when I neared him. it took a whole five bloody minutes. eventually, I pinned him to the ground and ripped the hair out with just maybe a little more force than needed. He stood pouting.

"okay well now what?" James asked, he was the only one at the moment who looked confident in me.

"well, since you guys wouldn't get off your bloody arses I had to go to the forbidden forest alone and get this" I held up a large jar full of clear water surrounded by shadows.

"Dew that has not been touched by light or human feet for seven fucking days. do you know how hard it was to find that? took one hell of a tracking spell"

"excuse me, can we go back to the part where you went to the forbidden forest alone," James said white as a ghost. we all ignored him and the pour soul peter piped up,

"so how did you get it?"

"magic dumbass" I rolled my eyes as he blushed embarrassed. 

"that's my future sister in law!" I Sirius shouted punching the air,

"ma'am what the fuck," I said jokingly, "anyways, you're all distracting me!" I darkened the room completely, casting a quick spell so I could still see. I grabbed a teaspoon and filled it with the water careful not to touch it. I dumped one into each of the vials. I held up another jar from the table for the boys to see, 

"chrysalis of a Death's-head Hawk Moth, stolen from Sprout's cupboard obviously" I put one of these in each of the vials.

"now just to hide them" I placed a tag with the owner's name on their vial and ushered them to grab their stuff. I lead them through a back door that led to the library. 

"Follow me, and be quiet or so help me, Salazar, I will slit your throats while you sleep" they all stood looking scared shitless

We ran around the empty shelves of the library, the books becoming older and dustier as we travelled. I came to a stop

"um, so remind me what it is we're looking for again?" Sirius asked only just catching up with us. 

"this" I reached up and pulled down a green book on the fourth shelf, Sirius crossed his fingers and whispered,

"please be a secret passage please be a secret passage" the wall shook and moved to the side "yes!" he squealed. I whipped around sushing him. "sorry" I walked in and they boys followed 

"um, so yeah. this is where I hang out and get drunk" in the room there was a large black couch, the lighting was dark but the odd reading lamp was placed at the scattered tables. next to the couch, there was a large pile of empty bottles I laughed awkwardly and pushed them behind the couch. James peaked over my shoulder and gasped

"wow. I'm not sure whether to be impressed or worried" Sirius joined him,

"definitely worried" They both looked at me, I tried I really did but I broke,

"okay fine, I might have a slight problem" they both raised their eyebrows, "okay maybe more than a slight problem. whatever now's not the time" I placed the vials on the shelf behind me and pushed them out closing the door behind me. 

"If I ever find my of you in here without my permission I. will. murder. you. capice?" they all just nodded now used to my threats again. 

"good. now all we have to do is wait. well not really but that's all you'll need to do"

𝕴 𝖉𝖔𝖓'𝖙 𝖑𝖔𝖛𝖊 𝖞𝖔𝖚 ~ Regulus black x readerWhere stories live. Discover now