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          I ran through the many isles of shelves scanning the bottles, a book open in my right hand. I muttered as I walked, I had on a button-up dress shirt that would usually be seen on a guy. I had rolled the sleeves up to my elbows and had tucked it into my black skinny jeans.

 I had rolled the sleeves up to my elbows and had tucked it into my black skinny jeans

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^^ kinda like this but the top like an actual dress shirt with a collar n' shit

          my combat boots hit the floor loudly with every step. I grabbed the needed ingredients for the potion: Liquid Luck or Felix Felicis. I held the tops of five slim glass vials filled with mostly dead body parts. I closed the book loudly and returned to my cauldron placed in the center of the empty potions classroom of Hogwarts. the musty smell of cobblestone and old eyeballs consumed the room. I started brewing throwing items into the cauldron. my black hair swayed with my movements as I hummed my chemical romances song 'I don't love you'. once I had finished the potion was a beautiful silver catching the dim lights of the room. I smiled successfully. I poured the potion into a few vials and wiped the small amount of sweat off my forehead from the now steamy and hot room. I heard a faint slow clapping from above me. I looked up to see my professor and mentor above me at the top of the large staircase to his office. He smiled and chuckled,

          "Well done Y/n! I believe that's a new record!" 

          I smiled slightly and placed the vials in my cupboard next to the rest of the bottles full of identical shimmering liquid. Slughorn glanced at his pocket watch and I did the same looking at the silver engraved watch from my pants pocket. (image at top) inside engraved was the potter crest. I might be a rebel and a reckless fuck up but I was still a sentimental bastard. 

          "well I do believe you best be going then, I'm sure Dumbledore will want you to be in your robes for dinner" I nodded thinking about what else I could wear.

          "yes, thank you professor" I turned and ran further into the dungeons adrenaline filling my body. I reached the common room and stopped suddenly when I reached a familiar patch of moss free cobblestone. rare considering the immense amount of moisture in the dungeons. I stepped up and clearly spoke the password

          "Salazar" since it was just me here now it was temporarily changed to be easy for me to get in and out. I walked in and immediately headed up the staircase to the prefect's dormitory. It had been a week since I was declared Slughorns apprentice and everyone left back home, I missed them, Sirius, James, Reg. although it wasn't all bad, I like the alone time, needed it and Hogwarts was even more beautiful and fascinating in the summer. Yesterday Dumbledore had told me I was going to be the Head Prefect for Slytherin, the youngest for quite a while now. I still had to move all my shit from my old dorm, something I was desperately trying to avoid.

          Dinner was in an hour enough time for me to get ready for dinner. I showered and got dressed in my Slytherin robes also sliding on my skirt and a black button-up shirt rather than white. I skipped the sweater, it's too fucking hot for that. I slipped on my knee-high buckle boots and grabbed my watch and started my makeup. Blending a dark green eyeshadow from the innermost corners of my eyes fading to black smudging and fading it out messily with my fingers. lining the underside of my eyes with black too. I did a thick line of pencil eyeliner under my eyes the put on mascara. I stepped back and looked at myself, good enough. I grabbed my wand and ran up to Dumbledor's office. I stopped running, breathing heavily from all the stairs when I had reached the statue of a bronze griffin. 

          "Lemon drops" I barely panted out. I was so glad no one was here to see, that sure as hell would've ruined my rep. I stepped up onto a stay composing myself as it slowly rose. I stepped off to see in Dumbledore's office were the old codger himself, McGonagall and Flitwick were already seated and talking away quietly. I took my seat on the right-hand side of the rectangular table closest to Dumbledore at the head of the table and across from McGonagall. Flitwick looked at his watch.

          "well, you're exactly eight minutes earlier than usual"

           "I ran for nothing!?" Dumbledore chuckled as Flitwick nodded. at the same time, Slughorn clumsily entered the room, knocking items over as he went.

          "oh, sorry professor" Dumbledor just waved his wand and the items retracted to their original spot. he sat next to me. we were the only ones left in the castle but even then Slughorn and I were in the dungeons all day, Dumbledor was usually gone, sometimes bringing McGonagall. Flitwick basically never left his room at all. 

          Dumbledor snapped his fingers and the food appeared in front of us. still as grand and great as every Hogwarts dinner only made for a much smaller group. I dug in it was heavenly as ever, but I mean it's food. all food is good really. somehow even though I eat literally every five minutes I'm still a skinny and flat ass bitch.  dinner passed by quickly and quietly. I left at the same time as Slughorn, simply by coincidence. we just eat at the same pace I guess, makes it convenient being the only ones in the dungeons. we walked in silence my heavy boots echoing in the halls. Slughorn left me a little while before I reached the common room I returned to my room alone. once there I immediately fell asleep robes and all


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