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if my life was awkward before my whole fiasco with allester just shot everything out of the water. I went nowhere, I stayed in my room 99% of the time. James and Sirius had slowly stared convincing me to go to meals, thankfully dragging me to the Gryffindor table with them. I didn't eat much, didn't want to. I've been nine months clean of cutting, alcohol and smoking on the other hand, well not so much. I also had missed out on every single one of Remus's full moons, I had apologized over and over but he still insisted he was fine. 

oh, you wanna know about Allester. well he basically fell off the face of the earth, he's been hiding out in his room no one's seen him, but I didn't give two shits. it wasn't my issue if he was gonna pout and be a child that was his choice. 

currently, I sat at the Gryffindor table, discreetly starring across the room at an all too familiar raven-haired boy. I stabbed the steak on my plate with my fork. James and lily sat across from me holding hands, yes you heard me, holding hands. apparently they had unwillingly on Evans part, gone on a date last year and had officially started dating a couple of months ago. pissed I was too shitfaced to see that. 

"Y/n you should eat something" lily crooned, I just growled and glared at her,

"I'm not a child, so sod off and stop telling me what to do" I stood up and angrily stormed out. the sound of my heels echoing filled the great hall above the sound of usual chatter. 

as we usually go, I ran into someone and snarled,

"you bitch" I waited for the impact of the floor but it never came, instead, the warm sensation of a hand on my wrist and deja vu as I looked up to see the blue-grey eyes of Regulus black. his hair had grown out a little and was still perfectly styled and gelled off to the side, although a strand had fallen onto his face. I stood up and pulled my wrist from his grasp. 

"what do you want" I crossed my arms and took in his face, red and puffy, his eyes bloodshot and red, I tried to resist the urge to tuck the hair back into place. he broke down

"Y/n, please, can I have another chance, I messed up, I miss you. I need you, please" I looked at him in shock,

"you've got to be kidding me, Reg you left me when I needed you most, I loved you so much it hurt and you cared more about your bloody reputation than me, I was injured and you didn't even visit. paid me no heed at the ball when I was alone. I needed you, my fucking parents died. and you didn't even bat an eye, so no regulus. I will not give you another chance" I scowled, "but I never got to tell you last year," my expression softened, I lightly brushed the hair back into place "I still love you too" I took a step back and quickly walked around the nearest corner and collapsed against the wall. 

my body shook with soul-shaking sobs. my knees gave out and I fell to the ground. my head was pounding as I limply hit the stone. tears still flowed down my cheeks freely, I didn't even try to stop them. I felt my eyes begin to droop, this was fine. I'll just lay here and sleep. perfect fucking timing for my lack of sleep to catch up with me. I closed my eyes and was quickly swept under by the current of sleep. The last thing I can remember is someone picking me up, long black hair, grey piercing eyes,

"it's alright my midnight, I got you" 


I woke up still in my clothes from the previous day and my head also still pounding. my face was red and tear-stained, dried makeup streaked down my cheeks. I whimpered a little as I stood up, I looked over to see Sirius sitting in a chair in the corner of the room.

"Pads?" he quickly sat up

"Y/n?" I checked the time, I had slept all night? weird. I tried to walk forwards and my knees buckled, Sirius jumped forwards and caught me. I gave him a weak smile,

"did you bring me here?" he nodded 

"I just assumed something would happen after you stormed out so I followed then I found you crying and asleep in the middle of the hallway." I tried to nod my head but winced and decided against it. "if you don't mind, what uh happened" I blushed a little from embarrassment, I decided walking was hopeless and sat back down on the bed, 

"Well, um, I ran into regulus, called him a bitch... he asked for a second chance" Sirius's eyes widened and he leaned forward like a teenage girl desperate for gossip. 


"I may have yelled at him, then told him I still loved him then ran" 

"I'm sorry you did what?" I punched his shoulder 

"you heard me, you ass" I perked up, "ooo how about your date with Remus last week!?" lemme fuckin tell you. if your thinking Sirius manned up and asked him out, that's a total lie. I had to do it for him. fucking ass. but hey I got 500 galleons that I don't need out of it. Sirius blushed and smiled widely,

"It was amazing, I can't thank you enough" He pulled me into a headlock 

"hey! I might be younger than you but I can and will bet your ass" I snarled and he immediately let me go. 

"better" we both smiled ay each other then burst out laughing.

I wish it could stay like this forever.

𝕴 𝖉𝖔𝖓'𝖙 𝖑𝖔𝖛𝖊 𝖞𝖔𝖚 ~ Regulus black x readerWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu