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          a week after, and now everyone had heard of how the Slytherin Potter had been disowned. I no longer had the energy to go anywhere, I didn't eat, I never went to class just getting Reg or Bella to bring me my work, which I didn't do. I didn't make sarcastic comments I didn't speak at all. James had tried to come in to see me but the rest of the black family refused to let him in blaming him for all of this, at least I still had them. he had to sneak in at night under the invisibility cloak, pulling me out of my bed, unwillingly. my friends were all quite happy that I was now no longer connected to such traitors. this morning was different though, why I don't know, but I had a sudden urge to get up.

          I removed the three blankets I had huddled under. dragging my feet at I walked. I slowly showered my hands moving slow, I quickly dried off and changed into a pair of black heeled boots, a black long sleeve turtle neck, pulling on a green tank top over it, I finally slipped on some dark grey high-waisted mom jeans. I tucked in my top and swiped the black lipstick on. walking down the stairs, into the great hall for, I looked at my watch, lunch I guess. I walked in, my head held high, a sudden wave of anger rushed through me, I walked confidently to the Slytherin table, sitting next to reg. refusing to turn to face the rest of the shocked students. 

          "Are they looking at me" I whispered to Reg

          "Only because you're beautiful" I blushed and punched him in the arm.

          "hey!" he frowned and rubbed his arm "that hurt"

          "good" I gingerly took a bite of sausage, and immediately placed it back on my plate. my face screwing up in disgust. Reg stared at me the whole time, concerned. 

          "what are you looking at" I snarled. he just frowned. I stood up and walked briskly away. a permanent frown on my face. I ran into someone,

          "Hey! watch where you're going bastard!" I was about to walk away when I noticed I had run into Sirius. 

          "oh, sorry" I mumbled under my breath, I offered him my hand and pulled him up. he stumbled a bit forgetting just how strong I was. both of us brushed off our leather jackets and fixed our reputable hair. some say that Sirius and I are more alike than even James and I could ever be. I mean they're not wrong.

          "heh, the funny part is I kinda am a bastard now" he joked, laughing lightly,

          "so," he said awkwardly, pausing deciding what he actually wanted to say

          "how's my dearest little brother" he had a half-hearted look of disgust on his face. 

          "almost as big as a prick as you. he worries about me, it's slightly annoying but also cute" I didn't worry about talking about this stuff with Sirius since he was ever so clearly gay, everyone could tell, well except for the man himself. 

          "and how are you?" he said concerned, stupid blacks with their stupid worrying complex, idiots. I shrugged

          "good I guess" 

          "Y/n/n, you're like my little sister. I can tell when your lying" he said smugly, with a trace of underlying concern. again. 

           "I'm" I tried to search for the right words to convince him I was okay 

          "just stressed" he paused examining my face

          "okayyyyyyyy" I took a quick look around before throwing my arms around his shoulders, hugging him tightly. whispering softly, 

          "Thanks, Sirius" he laughed

           "no problem kiddo" I let go of him, quickly punching his arm, I ran off. smiling as the cold winter air hit my face, billowing through my hair. I laughed happily, for a moment all of the troubles I had with school, family, James, it all went away. I started to run, no end in sight, I just felt the sudden need to move. sprinting across the grounds away from people and my troubles. once I stopped at the edge of the black lake I was panting and out of breath, but there was a smile on my face a true smile, something I think I only do when I'm alone. I started to walk towards the water, past the big oak tree. I crouched down brushing the icy water with my hand. I let out a happy sigh and layed down in the dirt, my eyes slowly closed, only leaving way for sleep. 

          I quickly opened my eyes, swiftly jumping up, ready to punch someone, natural instinct. I checked my surroundings, I was still by the black lake where I fell asleep. it was the middle of the night. I heard a faint familiar whispering. I rolled my eyes,

          "Accio invisibility cloak" the silk cloth flew into my hand, revealing a shocked James, Sirius and Remus. 

         "How did you see us!?" James said always the stupid one.

          "well it's not hard to spot someone when they radiate that much idiocy" I rolled my eyes again. Remus looked at my prefect's badge I did the same to him,

          "wow, how irresponsible Lupin" I smirked and attempted to walk away from them back to the castle, but James and Sirius each linked their arms in mine, James on my left and Sirius on my right, I growled. 

          "let me go you insufferable twats!" they just laughed and dragged me back to the castle, I put up with them for most of the way up but once we were within sights of the castle I wriggled out of their grasp, running back to the castle quickly. I didn't want to be seen around them for any longer than I had to. I fell onto the first chair I saw in the common room, falling asleep instantly. trying desperately to ignore the dark thoughts penetrating my mind.

𝕴 𝖉𝖔𝖓'𝖙 𝖑𝖔𝖛𝖊 𝖞𝖔𝖚 ~ Regulus black x readerWhere stories live. Discover now