What? Now?

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((You have gone into labor. . . Need I say more??? Requetsed by nerdfighter-dftba (Unedited)))

You were sitting on the couch in the upstairs of the Lucky Cat Cafe reading a book. It was a beautiful fall day, the leaves were just starting to fall outside your window. You were pregnant with your husband Tadashi's baby and it was due any day now. Whenever Tadashi was at work, he would take you to his Aunt Cas's house so you would have someone with you in case you went into labor. You didn't mind since the baby seemed to love Aunt Cas's cooking.

The phone on the table next to you rang and you picked it up, "Hello?" you asked setting the book on your swollen tummy.

"Hey, whatcha doing?" You smiled recognizing Tadashi's voice.

"Not much, what about you? Shouldn't you be working?" you teased him.

"I'm on a lunch break right now. How's the baby?"

"The baby's fine," you rubbed your tummy. You didn't know whether or not the baby was going to be a girl or boy since you wanted it to be a surprise. "I can't wait to go into labor, I'm tired of being fat."

Tadashi chuckled, "I hope the baby takes its time."

"Oh? Why do you say that?"

"I like it when you have the horny preggers," he said casually making you burst out laughing. Your laugh was cut short by a pain in your stomach. Tadashi heard you grunt in pain, "Baby what's wrong?"

"I-It's nothing, honest," you said once the pain passed. You had been getting false contractions a lot recently, so you just shook it off. Tadashi and you talked for sometime after that, completely ignoring the incident. You didn't get another contraction until after you hung up the phone. You held your tummy, were you really going into labor? As if to answer your question, you felt a wetness between your legs, your water broke. "A-Aunt Cas!" you shouted.

"What is it dear? Do you want me to cook you something?"

"N-No, it's the baby-"

"Oh is the baby kicking? I'd love to come see, but we're really busy right now."

"No! The baby's coming!

"It's humming?" Oh great, she couldn't hear from downstairs.

"COMING! THE BABY'S COMING!" you screamed as another contraction hit you.

Aunt Cas didn't respond instantly, but finally she responded, "OH DEAR LORD NOW!? HIRO GO GET HER, EVERYONE ELSE IN THE CAFE OUT! WE'VE GOT A BABY ON THE WAY!" You could her a lot of murmuring downstairs then Hiro came up and helped you out to the car.

Aunt Cas handed him her cell phone and he dialed Tadashi. "Bro, you've got to get going to the hospital, (Name's) in labor," Hiro said. He paused listening to Tadashi talk then responded, "Yeah, yeah, here she is," he handed you the phone.

"(Name), sweetheart are you alright? You had a contraction when we were talking on the phone earlier didn't you? Why didn't you say anything?" Tadashi lectured you.

"I-I thought it was fake since I'd been having fake ones up until now . . . I didn't think I should bring it up."


"DON'T YELL AT ME I'M IN LABOR TADASHI!" your shouting was cut off by your whining in pain.

"Hey, hey, I'm sorry, just calm down. You're only hurting yourself more," Tadashi said in his soothing voice.

"I-It really hurts Tadashi," you whined.

"It's alright, listen I have to hang up. I need to start heading to the hospital. I'll try and beat you there how about that?" Tadashi asked trying to sound sweet.

You winced at another contraction, "Don't leave me waiting too long," you say and hang up.

( •-• )( •-• )( •-• )( •-• )

You were in the hospital now, Tadashi was nowhere to be found. The doctor came in every once in awhile to check on you since you weren't wide enough yet to push. They told you to take deep breathes and stay calm.

"It's time (Name), get ready to push," the doctor announced and the nurses started setting up.

"What? No, no, not yet . . . Tadashi isn't here yet. He needs to be here," you objected.

"I'm sorry but the baby gets to decide when it's ready, not you or I," the doctor said calmly.

"Well I'm the baby's mother and I say it can wait a little longer!"

"(Name) . . ."

Tadashi burst into the room, "I'm here! I'm here!" he rushed to your side taking your hand in his.

The next hour or so was absolutely miserable for you. The nurse would count you down and you would push. The process repeated itself a million times and you were starting to give up. "Tadashi . . . I can't do it, please . . . it hurts so much," you cried tears forming in your eyes.

"Yes you can. You're doing so well, just a little longer," Tadashi encouraged you gripping your hand. You kept going, Tadashi encouraging you all the way until the baby's wails filled the air. Tadashi looked up and his eyes sparkled, "(Name), it's a (boy/girl)," he sighed.

You tried to sit up, "Let me see. I want to see my baby (boy/girl)," Tadashi laid you back down saying you need to rest. After a short while, the baby was returned to you in a blanket. Your eyes fille with tears of joy at the sight before you. Tadashi hugged you gently.

"I'm so proud of you, I told you you could do it," he said kissing your cheek.

You smiled resting against him, "I couldn't have done it without you."

Tadashi x Reader (One-Shots)Where stories live. Discover now