The Babysitter

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(( Aunt Cas doesn't trust Hiro to stay home instead of going to bot fight, so she hires you to babysit him. Though Tadashi can't help but flirt with you, and you don't seem to mind. Requested by ellieclifford102 (Unedited)))

"Come on Aunt Cas, I'm too old to have a babysitter!" Hiro whined following his aunt as she was getting ready to go out with a group of friends.

"You should of thought about that before you started bot fighting," Aunt Cas snapped grabbing her purse. Hiro followed her out into the living room where Tadashi was sitting on the couch reading a robotics book.

Hiro had a lightbulb go off, "Why can't Tadashi watch me instead?"

Cas turned around to look at him, then Tadashi, who had looked up from what he was reading at the sound of his name, and back at him, "Tadashi's too weak," she said bluntly.

She went down the stairs and Hiro followed leaving Tadashi who had a hurt expression on his face, "Ouch, that stings."

( •-• ) ( •-• ) ( •-• )

"I'll be back around ten (Name) so I won't be leaving you alone for too long. If you have problems just have Tadashi help you," Aunt Cas ranted on giving you directions and rules to watch Hiro. You nodded mechanically as she continued on, this wasn't the first time you'd had to babysit. Your mom was always telling her friends, Aunt Cas included, that you were great with kids and even better at taking care of them.

"Don't worry, I'll be sure to keep a sharp eye on him," you said smiling sweetly. Aunt Cas giggled and patted your shoulder and left. You sighed as she walked out the door and headed up the stairs into the living room. Hiro was sitting on the couch, messing with a little robot and sulking. You smiled sweetly and leaned over the back of the couch ruffling his hair, "Hey Hiro, whatcha wanna do? We can play a game if you want?"

Hiro glared at you, "I'm not a little kid you know? Just leave me alone," he said returning to messing with the little robot. You stood up straight placing on your hands on his hips.

"Don't worry about him," you heard who you assumed was Tadashi and tuned to see a man who looked to be around your age. He was maybe a couple years older than you, but one thing was for sure. He was cute, "He can be a little mean when he doesn't get to do what he wants," he said coming to stand next to you.

You giggled into your hand, "I can understand that," you said earning a light chuckle from Tadashi.

"Yeah, I guess he hasn't learned not to snap at a girl with a pretty face," he said as if it was a regular thing to say. You smirked, was he being flirty?

"Yeah, I'm sure you picked that up from all the girls that swooned over you," you replied making Tadashi give you a quick, questioning glance.

"Oh yeah?" Tadashi stepped closer to you, forcing you to have to look up at him, "how many men have fallen for an enchantress like you?" he teased.

"Enchantress? Isn't that a bit cheesy?" you teased back, taking a step closer to him.

"Oh my gosh! If you guys are going to get all mushy then I'm going to my room!" Hiro interrupted storming off to his room.

You both looked after him, Tadashi returning to the conversation, "Is it working at least?" you felt a warm hand rest on your waist.

Your cheeks warmed a bit, but you leaned against him, "Maybe they are," you whispered trying to sound seductive.

Apparently it worked because Tadashi smiled his own cheeks turning a bit red, "Looks like my enchantress has a dark side," he purred making you giggle. Tadashi and you ended up sitting together on the couch one of you resting on each end and your feet intertwining in the middle. All the two of you did was flirt back and forth. The nickname "enchantress" seemed to have stuck and you had yet to give him one.

You felt your phone buzz in your lap and turned it on. Aunt Cas had texted you, 'How's Hiro?' it read and you froze up a bit.

"What's wrong?" Tadashi asked sitting up a little straighter.

You smiled, "Nothing, just going to go check on Hiro," you said getting up and jogging up to the room him and Tadashi shared. When you got there, Hiro was nowhere to be seen. You scoped the room, the only thing that seemed odd was the open window and the little robot he was playing with missing. You heard Tadashi's footsteps coming up behind you, but you were too busy having a mini panic attack. Aunt Cas and your mom were going to kill you.

"Looks like he already left," Tadashi pointed out behind you with a tint of amusement in his voice.

"Already?" you looked back at him confused. The smile on his face gave it away, "you were distracting me?"

"Yeah, but on my own accord. It just so happened that he was planning on sneaking out. Are you mad?"

You shook your head, "Not really, but I just thought of a nickname for you."

"Oh yeah?" he teased. You turned around to face him, "What is it?" He placed a hand on the doorframe and leaned forward so he was looming over you, but not in a menacing way.

You placed a hand on his chest smirking, "You're a sneaky little mouse. Playing tricks on me and making cheesy comments."

"Mice are quiet, you calling me quiet?" Tadashi pointed out.

You were about to reply, but Aunt Cas called out to you. You looked up at him, "We'll have to find out the next time we have some alone time," you said and squeezed by him to go face the wrath of Aunt Cas.

Tadashi x Reader (One-Shots)Where stories live. Discover now