The Nightmare

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((You go to visit Tadashi at the lab and end up falling asleep and have a nightmare. Tadashi lovey dovey ensues, requested by Lunastar0118 (Unedited)))

All you could hear was the applause of the people around you as Hiro finished his presentation with the clever little microbots. Tadashi, your boyfriend of two months, had one arm around your waist and the other one in a victorious fist as he cheered for his little brother.

He pulled you closer and leaned down to whisper in your ear, "Wanna come with me to congratulate Hiro?" you nodded and he pulled you along helping you maneuver through the crowd. When you reached Hiro Tadashi detached himself from you to go give his brother a pat on the back. You followed after him giving Hiro a gentle hug. "Congratulations bro, you'll be taking classes here in no time," Tadashi stated returning his arm to your waist.

"Yeah, I'll finally have some competition in the classroom," you teased ruffling Hiro's hair. He chuckled smoothing his hair out, but it only fluffed back up.

"Thanks you guys, I thought I was gonna totally blow it," he admitted shrugging his shoulders, "guess I didn't do as bad as I thought."

Eventually you three met up with the rest of the gang and left the building to go to the Lucky Cat Cafe to have some dinner. Tadashi left you with the group and took his little brother away to have "the talk." You didn't exactly know what talk it was, but you definitely knew it wasn't THAT talk. You sat at the bottom of the stairs playing on your phone waiting for them, until the smell of smoke reached you.

You stood up and turned around only to be taken aback at the sight before you. The building was on FIRE! It was perfectly fine a minute ago. People were pouring out of it coughing and gagging from the smoke. "(Name)!" Tadashi shouted your name running to you. "Are you ok?" he asked cupping your cheeks. You nodded and he released you only to catch a woman who almost fell. He asked her if she was ok as well.

"Y-Yeah, but Prof. Callaghan is still in there!" She shouted and continued running. Tadashi looked at the building and you knew exactly what he was thinking. In unison, Hiro an you grabbed him.

"Tadashi no!" Hiro ordered.

"You can't go in there, baby," you added tears forming in your eyes from the smoke and your own emotions.

He looked back at both of you, "I have to, he's still in there," he argued. He shook out of the two of you's grips and ran into the building. His hat flew off and Hiro caught it. Hiro suddenly ran after him and you tried to grab him, but missed. It didn't matter though, because the building exploded before Hiro could make it in. The force knocked the two of you back and you grunted as you made contact with the concrete.

You sat up, stunned from what happened and looked back at the still burning building. More tears started to form in your eyes, "TADASHI!!"

"(Name)! Wake up!" your eyes shot open at the sound of Tadashi's voice. You looked at him in shock.

"T-Tadash-shiiii!!!" you wailed hugging him tightly.

He returned the embrace rubbing your back soothingly. "There, there, it's ok . . . did you have a nightmare? You were tossing and turning in your sleep."

You nodded, "You died, there was a fire, and . . . and-"

"Hey, hey it's ok," he hugged you tighter, "you don't need to tell me if it was that bad ok?" He pulled you away by the shoulders and cupped your face, wiping away tears with his thumbs.

"I know it was just a dream . . . but," you looked up at him, "Promise me, at Hiro's presentation, you won't go back into the building," Tadashi looked at you with a confused look, "Just promise me ok?"

Tadashi was silent for a moment then sighed, "I promise, (Name)." The two of you hugged again.

You were unaware of the fact that Tadashi wouldn't be able to keep his promise.

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