What's Wrong?

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(( Requested by Xx-CorePride-xX you have a crush on Tadashi which distracts you from your work and Tadashi thinks you're sick (Uneditted)))

It was another day of doing, absolutely. Nothing. You had been trying for days, which had eventually turned into weeks. You just had to figure out you had a crush on your friend Tadashi at a time like this! Why couldn't it be when you were like, an old lady or something. Well, it didn't work out that way.

Once again you were trapped in a never-ending stare that was directed right at him. He didn't notice of course, he was too busy. He was working away on a small project that he had besides Baymax. He stopped for a minute to brush some sweat off of his forehead, leaving a grease mark behind. In fact, every part of his body had some sort of grease mark on it chis clothes had splotches, his face, hands, and even his trusty baseball cap. You didn't mind however, you thought it made him look, dare I say, sexy.

When the word "sexy" came to your mind, you instantly turned red and got flustered. It was somewhat helpful since you were no longer staring at him, you were finally able to wipe the drool that had dribbled from your mouth, making you blush even more.

You were going to go back to your own work, but was interrupted by a big, warm hand landing on your forehead. You knew the hand and blushes even more, "(Name) you ok? You look like you have a fever," Tadashi said moving to place the back of his hand gently against your cheek.

"Huh? I-I'm fine-"

"And your starting to sweat now too. Do you need Baymax to look at you?"

"What!? No, no, no, I'm ok, honestly!"

It was too late though. At the sound of his name, Baymax waddled up to you and scanned you. You were now red with both fury and embarrassment, what was Baymax going to say?

"Your skin seems to have reddened, mostly in the face. This indicates you are blushing. Also there is a detection of perspiration on your skin, commonly known as sweat, meaning you are nervous. Then there is your heart, which has increased in its beating. Diagnosis: Love."

Tadashi looked at you with a raised brow and all you could do was cover your red face. "(Name) . . ."

"While I am moved by your feelings towards me (Name), Tadashi would probably be a better match since he too has experienced these symptoms in your presence," r interrupted. You looked at Tadashi with a confused look. He was red in the face now. After a moment of awkward silence, you not burst out laughing.

"Hey (Name)?" Tadashi asked once the two of you had calmed down.


"Would you like to catch a movie sometime?"


Tadashi x Reader (One-Shots)Where stories live. Discover now