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((Requested by DigitalARTAndGamingz, Tadashi, you, and the gang get in a battle with Yokai (Unedited)))

You felt a chill go up your spine as you looked up at the masked villain, Yokai. He seemed to be looking right at you, but of course you couldn't tell because of the mask. You started to back up, fear entering your body. A familiar hand was felt on your shoulder and you looked up to see Tadashi with a comforting look on his face. Hiro gave the signal to attack, and they did.

While everyone else's suits had a way of attacking Yokai, yours was made mostly for speed. You sped around Yokai, distracting him as the others attacked him. However it seemed that no matter how fast you were, Yokai was still able to defend himself from the other's attacks. He was even starting to knock members of the team out. You decided to up your game. Even though Tadashi had told you not to put yourself in danger, you had no choice. You couldn't let them down. You started getting closer to Yokai, zipping by only inches from his face. It was then he started to attack you with the his microbot army.

You were fast enough to avoid his attacks, at first. However you hadn't noticed that Honeylemon accidentally threw a chemical ball against a wall, creating an ice patch. The sudden terrain change caused you to spin out landing hard on the ground. The microbot started to make their way to you, but you were unable to move due to the intense pain you were feeling.

"(Name)!!" you heard Tadashi shout your name. You were suddenly thrown out of the way of the angry microbots. You were stunned at first, but when you recovered you looked back to see Tadashi on the ground. Anger flared up in you, and it was directed towards Yokai. You got back on your feet and rushed at him, ignoring the pain in your side. You flew into his line of vision, making him direct more microbots at you. You waited until enough microbots were behind you to run head on into Yokai, making the microbots attack their leader. Sadly you didn't think of how you were going to avoid getting hit in the collision, so you fell along with Yokai.

The both of you fell to the ground, the pain you felt earlier combining with your newfound ache. Yokai recovered and escaped before anyone can chase him, so try all rushed to your side. Their voices sounded far away to you, and you couldn't feel anything except a warm liquid running down the side of your head. One voice you could hear over the others was Tadashi's. You still couldn't make out what he was saying, but you could tell he was yelling. You called out his name, but you didn't know whether or not it actually came out of your mouth.

You felt your head being lifted off the ground and something wrapping around it, around this point things went black.


As I finished wrapping the bandage Baymax gave me around (Name's) head, I looked to see she was unconscious. Baymax said she would be fine, so I picked her up and followed everyone home.

Wasabi lightly elbowed my arm, careful not to harm (Name), I looked up to see him smirking. "You think she heard you?" he teased me.

"What do you mean?" I could feel my cheeks warm as I responded.

"Aw come on, don't deny it. You were all like '(Name), don't die, I love you,'" he said in an over the top romantic tone. My cheeks got warmer and I looked down at (Name's) face. She looked so beautiful when she was asleep. I smiled to myself and kissed her on the cheek as Wasabi went to catch up with the others. I could of sworn I saw her lip curve up into a small smile.

Tadashi x Reader (One-Shots)Where stories live. Discover now