Pay Attention To Me!

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((In this one you live with Tadashi at the Lucky Cat Cafe, it's late and Tadashi is busy studying and you don't exactly like that plan (Unedited)))

You woke up from your pleasant slumber to not the feeling of something, but the lack of it. You sat up to see Tadashi's side of the bed was empty. You sighed angrily, he knew you couldn't sleep for long without him beside you. It was a custom you had grown quite attached to. You got out of bed, wearing nothing but spandex shorts and Tadashi's red T-shirt. You snuck past Hiro who was snoring contently, down the stairs to the kitchen where he was sitting at the table. The table was covered with loose papers and books both open and closed. Tadashi sat hunched over scribbling away on papers.


Your voice brought his attention to the present and he turned around to see you standing there pouting, "What's wrong (Name)? Did you have a bad dream?"

You shake your head, "Tadashi, won't you come to bed now? It's really late," you say in the cutest way you can. He can't resist the puppy dog eyes you make either.

He looks away before he can fall for your trick, "I can't (Name), you know I have a big test tomorrow," you pout, how can he stay awake when he has barely slept? You approach him, standing right behind him you lean down and wrap your arms around his neck.

"Pretty please?" you say in his ear making him shudder slightly.

He barely has the strength to shrug you off, "No (Name), go back to bed." You glare at his back, thinking up one last plan. You smirk.

You walk around the chair into his view. His response is to lean back in his chair to look at you, bad choice. Your able to squeeze between him and the table, straddling his lap and facing him. You wrap your arms around his neck once more, and he looks at you with a raised brow, "Why are you paying more attention to all these dusty old books than me? Pay attention to me, I'm way more interesting," you say taking advantage of the fact his cap wasn't on, you played with his hair.

"(Name), you're making this really hard for me," he said trying to sound serious.

You kissed his forehead, "Why," you kissed his cheek, "would I," his other cheek, "do," his nose, "that?" That had done it.

He pulled your face to his, kissing you roughly. You returned the kiss, smirking into it since you had won the battle. He pulled away making you whine, "Now's not the time. Besides, you wanted to get some sleep right?" He picked you up and carried you upstairs.

That night you got to sleep soundly with your head resting on his bare chest and his arm around your waist.

Tadashi x Reader (One-Shots)Where stories live. Discover now