Chapter 20 : Fuji's younger brother

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After the match over, Seigaku has time to rest until they have another match. The team decides to split up. Some decide to watch other matches; others decide to have individual practice.

"Where should we go?" asks Horio to Ryoma who already picks up his bag.

"I'm going to buy a juice," Ryoma answers. However, before he walks, Chiharu stops him by grabbing his shoulder.

"Then, how about you go buy some drinks for the team?" Chiharu says with an eye smile.

"Huh? Why should I?" Ryoma asks and tries to shake Chiharu's grip but can't because she tightens it.

"Do you have a choice to refuse, chibi-chan?" Chiharu asks with a smirk.

"Stop calling me like that!" Ryoma snapback with irk mark. "That's your job!"

"Well, I'm busy because of someone..." Chiharu says and lifts up Kaidoh's jersey. Seeing that Horio can only gulp his saliva before drag Ryoma to go with the errand. Ryoma left with a pout on his face, makes Chiharu let out a giggle. Tomoka and Sakuno decide to follow Ryoma also. After Chiharu scolds Tomoka, she doesn't look at her at all. It's not like Chiharu mind it.

Seeing the freshmen already left, leaving Chiharu with Haruka and Mio.

"You guys not go with them?" Chiharu asks her classmates.

"Well, if we join them, she will have another fight with Tomoka," Haruka says and mess Mio hair.

"Stop mess my hair, already!" Mio shout and slap Haruka's hand away.

Hearing that, Chiharu can imagine it and let out a tired sigh. Hearing her sigh, Mio hides behind Haruka, makes her childhood friend confuse.

"What's wrong with you?" Haruka asks makes Chiharu also look at Mio confuse.

"Um... I think Chiharu-chan still mad at me. I don't want to bother her anymore..." Mio muttered.

Hearing that, Chiharu and Haruka look at her blankly before lets out a laugh.

"It's not funny! Chiharu-chan looks scary when she mad!" Mio pouting. After finish laughing, Chiharu walks to Mio and pet her head.

"I'm already not angry with you, sorry to scold you earlier, Mio," Chiharu says with ensuring smile.

"Chiharu-chan sorry for earlier!" Mio says and hugs Chiharu.

"Ah~ If only I'm boy, I will ask you to be my girlfriend," Haruka says and act as she wipes her own tear.

"Haruka, you're disgusting," Mio says and get a chop on the head from Haruka. "It's hurt!"

"Shut up, just go to Tomoka and apologize already," Haruka says and folding both her hand in front of her chest.

"But, Tomoka is the one who started first..." Mio muttered and look away. Hearing that Haruka just let out another sigh. Mio is really stubborn.

"Just for today 'kay? Think it's for Chiharu-chan sake," Haruka says.

"Huh? Me?" Chiharu asks and points herself.

"Even so..." Mio muttered.

"We come to cheer Seigaku, not have a fight with Tomoka," Haruka says make Mio looks at her surprise. She looks at Chiharu before nod.

"Okay. Only for today," Mio says before walk, after Ryoma's group.

"I don't mind you know," Chiharu says after Mio left. Haruka just let out a closed eye smile. Chiharu just shrugs and smiles before walks to the nearest sink, Haruka follows her. "Sometimes you act like a mother. Like Oishi-senpai."

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