Chapter 8

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"Ohayou! Did you already do your homework?"

"Oh damn! I forgot!"

Like always the road to Seishun Gakuen already full with the student every morning. Chiharu just walks by herself listening to some music like always. Today the tennis club does not have any practice due to the Regional Tournament that will be held in two days.

Chiharu thinks that this is her lucky moment where she does not have anything to do because there is no tennis practice and she does not need to do some paperwork for Shigeko's Group. That why she wants to take her day easy. That's what she tough...

-:-:- Rolling Memory -:-:-


Chiharu can't believe her eyes. Just as she opens her shoe locker, many of letter come from there. Chiharu frown and glance around her. She can see some of the boys are staring at her and some are hiding.

"Oya Oya, what happens? Love letter-nya?" ask someone no other than Kikumaru who happen just reach to school.

"Ohayou, Kikumaru-senpai. Well, I don't know," Chiharu start picking up her letters.

"You so popular Chiharu-chan! Sasuga ChiharuS!" tease Kikumaru as he helps pick up her letters.

"Please don't call me that. It's embarrassing," says Chiharu as she glares some boy who staring at her. The boys start to run away.

"Chiharu-chan kowai..." said Kikumaru sweat drop.

"It's still morning but they successful ruining my day," say Chiharu with a sigh.

-:-:- Rolling Memory -:-:-

Teng... Tong... Teng... Tong...

"Finally school is over!" says Chiharu as she lay her head on the table.

Chiharu can't believe that her day really ruin. Today she forgot her bento, at afternoon she gets caught with the fuss that Momoshiro and Kaidoh made, some of her fans disturbing her, the loud Tomoka, and many more.

With a sigh, Chiharu starts to clean up her stuff and pick her bag. She glances behind to see Ryoma already ready to go home.

"Go home already Ryoma?" ask Chiharu.

"Yeah, there is no practice today. You?" ask Ryoma.

"Well, I still need to meet Ryuzaki sensei before I go home."

"Hmm... Okay then see you tomorrow."

Ryoma starts to walk away. Chiharu sigh again then go to faculty office to meet Seigaku coach. When she arrives she knocks the door then open it to see whether the person she needs to see is there or not.

"Oh, you're here already Shigeko?" says Sumire notice Chiharu.

"Well, I go here as soon as the class over," answer Chiharu with a smile and walk to her teacher table. Then she notices the paper on the table. "Hm? This is..."

"It's the player list for district prelims. So I want to ask your opinion as a boy tennis club manager," explain Sumire as she stands up. "I will prepare some tea."

"Oh, you don't have," said Chiharu but Sumire ignores her with a smile and preparing some teas.

Chiharu smiles little and takes a look at the paper. She studies it and notices the Single 3 and Double 2 still empty.

"Single 1 is Fuji-senpai, Single 2 is Kawamura-senpai, and Doubles 1 is Oisi-senpai and Kikumaru-senpai. Well, I already thought that they will fill that place," said Chiharu as she takes the glass of tea from Sumire.

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