Chapter 17 : Karupin!?

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Tut... Tut... Tut...

Chiharu turns off her alarm. She gets up, rubbing her sleepy eyes before checking the time.

"It's" Chiharu muttered. "There is no morning practice today, I don't have to hurry up for preparing myself."

Chiharu walks to her restroom to do her morning routine. After that, she puts her uniform and turns to face her desk which fulls of white papers.

"Damn Asami-san, makes me finish this all night," Chiharu says and tidy up the paper, putting inside the map file.

She walks to her window and opens the curtain. The sunshine light her room. She opens the windows and inhales the air.

"What good weather," Chiharu says and stretching her body.

After admiring the great weather, Chiharu closes her window and decide to prepare her breakfast and watch the tv. She just realizes that she rarely spends her time to watch tv.

"I have been busy since the school starts that I often forget to spend time for myself," Chiharu says and eat her toast. "Oh, yeah. The prefectural tournament starts tomorrow! Hmm..." she glares to her calendar. "Not only that, I have to do some meetings and paperwork. Sigh... It's killing me..."

Just after she complaining her phone is beeping showing a new message. It's a message from Asami, asking about her paperwork. She sighing and replies that she has already done it.

After finishes her breakfast, Chiharu washes the plate and look at the clock showing that it's already 7.30 am. She turns off her tv and grabs her bag. After putting on her shoes she looks at a picture that she places not far from the shoe rack.

"Ittekimasu, otou-san, kaa-san," Chiharu says with a smile and walk out from her apartment.

Chiharu put her earphones and listening to music like always. She walks to the T-junction where she part away with Ryoma or Momoshiro. However, because of there is no morning practice today, they usually not meet each other in this T-junction. Not only that, but today is also a rare day for her because she doesn't have to wake up more early than usual. In fact, she doesn't care if she is late or not because she still tired of doing paperwork last night.

Suddenly, Chiharu notices a fluffy thing above the wall. Notice her staring, the fluffy thing turns around and meow at her.

"Oh, it's cat," she says and holds out her hand so that the cat jumps to her. "I thought it's a raccoon. Hmm... Did I have met you somewhere?" Chiharu asks as she stroke the cat.

The cat only answers with meow while cuddling to Chiharu's neck. Chiharu lets out a giggle because it tickles. She then put down the cat and pet the head.

"A Himalayan cat.... Oh, right! You're Karupin!" Chiharu says when she realizes that in front of her is Ryoma cat. "What are you doing here?" Chiharu asks but Karupin only answers with meow and nuzzle to her hand.

Chiharu lets out a sigh then looks at the time on her phone which makes her already late.

"I think I have to go now. Sorry, I can't play with you Karupin. See you next time," Chiharu says and pet Karupin for the last time.

She waves to the cat before deciding to walks away. She puts her earphones back on and not looking back.

. . . .

"Ohayo~," Chiharu says as she opens the door of her classroom.

"Ohayo, Chiharu-chan!" Mio greets back with a smile.

Rolling Memory (Prince of Tennis Fanfiction)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα