Chapter 31

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Jamie speeds all the way to York hospital while I try not to break down at the news of Emily being moved onto the PICU. It's my worst nightmare coming true. It almost doesn't feel real. None of it does.

"We couldn't understand why she was going blue," Matt cries down the speakerphone.

They were worried when they heard gurgling noises down the baby monitor, so went up to check on her to find her still and swelling up in her cot. Eyes, lips, tongue...everything.

"Did she eat something she shouldn't have?" I reply, digging my nails so hard into the palm of my hand that it's close to drawing blood.

Matt drags in a long, shaking breath. "No. We fed her what you prepared."

A tomato-based tuna and rice. Nothing that should set her off.

"We're pulling in now," says Jamie when he indicates to turn into the hospital entrance at the traffic lights.

Matt sucks in another deep breath. "I'm waiting in the entranceway."

I have my fingers wrapped around the door handle when Jamie drives around the parked cars, almost mounting the kerb near Matt's feet. "Matt," I all but silent scream, letting him pull me into his arms.

I can barely breathe through the tightness in my chest. "This isn't happening. This isn't happening."

Matt grips the back of my head to bury his face in my hair. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."

Pulling back, I try to rub the tears from my face. "Take me to her."

In an absolute blur, he leads me through the hospital, and to the Paediatric Intensive Care Unit. It's there that I find Yasmin speaking to a nurse, looking like her world just ended. My feet rush over there to come to a stop when Yasmin opens her arms for me.

I'm too caught up in my head to notice the gesture, so she grabs onto my hand instead. I look at the nurse. "Em-Em-Emily."

The nurse tells me that they had to put her onto a ventilator, and are currently pumping her blood with something to steady down the shock her body went into when the allergic reaction occurred.

"Ventilator," I cry out to Yasmin who's weeping with me. "No."

She's shaking like a leaf. "The nurse said that it's going to help steady her vitals. There's not enough oxygen in her blood."

What is happening?

Seriously, am I in some kind of terrible nightmare?

There are heavy footsteps behind us until the men appear with Jamie making a beeline for me. He grips at his hair. "What's happening?"

I close my eyes in the hopes of it not being real. "She went into anaphylaxis. They have her on a ventilator."

I'm experiencing so much at the same time that it's hard to focus on any one thing. I see through a tunnel, praying that a healthy Emily is at the end of it.

Jamie looks at me. "Oh, God, no."

"I can't lose her," I whisper in so much pain.

"You won't," he rushes out against my earlobe when he pushes past the unsure feeling to drag me into his arms. "Emily is strong. And she knows that her mummy is here waiting for her."

I'm a sobbing mess. "Jay."

There's nothing strange about this embrace. "I'm here. I got you right here in my arms. Do you hear me?"

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