Chapter 9

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I'm staring at my wardrobe for inspiration on an outfit to wear tonight. I have two pairs of jeans, three tops and one dress in the line-up, none of them screaming the first date to me.

Yasmin's on FaceTime, the phone propped up on my pillow so she can see the outfits as I try them on. "I like the cream blouse with the blue jeans better," she says, shoving a crisp in her mouth.

Turning to look into the full-length mirror, I see what she means. "The bootleg or skinny ones?"

The crunching gets louder. "Skinny. Are you wearing heels?"

Getting down on the floor, I pull out several pairs of shoes, holding up my blush pink suede strapped ones. "What about these?"

"Oooh, I LOVE those. Can I borrow them sometime?"

I have to grab on to the wardrobe door to pull myself up, still aching from lifting the changing table up the stairs. "Sure, you can. So, do you think they'll go with the outfit?"

"One hundred percent. You're going to look so good, Mol. I'm so happy that you said yes," she replies, wiping the front of her top.

"I'm happy too. And he's taking me to the Thai restaurant I told you about the other week," I say, excited to try all the dishes out.

"I know, babe. Matt told me Jamie was taking you there. You're both going to have so much fun."

Jamie messaged me earlier today to let me know the table was booked for six, saying that he'd pick me up around five. I think we're going to take the long drive out there, stopping off at the Tiny Bar on the way.

"And I have to think about my hair," I say, pulling at the straight strands.

Yasmin shuffles around on the bed until she's laid on her front with the phone close to her face. "I reckon you should wear it down and curl the ends."

I pull open my chest of drawers to find my hair curlers. "I like the sound of that."

Yasmin giggles out loud. "How long do you have to get ready?"

My eyes flick to the clock on the wall. "An hour and a bit."

"Are you serious? That's nothing. You need to get a wriggle on. It takes me at least three hours to get ready for date night, and we've been together years," she says, ranting at me.

I let her do so, taking my time as I stroll across the bedroom to the sockets near the full-length mirror. I plug them in, still hearing Yasmin go on at me about the time she forgot to fill in her lips after lining them with liner.

"Do you reckon I should do loose or tight curls?"

Yasmin stops talking to stare at me. "Loose, like you just woke up like that, but really you slaved away in front of the mirror for at least two hours."

I laugh. "Okay, then."

It goes silent from her end as she watches me pin half of my hair up to start wrapping the strands around the wand. It's a wonder I don't burn my fingers from how close they're to the hot metal. I lost the gloves you get with them.

Yasmin clears her throat. "Will you kiss him?"


"Why not? The feeling might take you," she replies, voice all light and curious.

Maybe it will, who knows. "I'm not putting any pressure on it."

Yasmin's head falls to the side. "I think that's wise. Although I can't talk because I had sex with Matt on our first date."

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