Chapter 25

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It's two days later, and I'm still reeling from my mother's visit. I keep playing it over and over in my head without much reasoning, questioning whether me saying no was a good idea, or not. For all of her faults, she's still my mother. And, unfortunately, nothing is going to stop me from worrying about her.

"Your head seems some place else. You missing Jay already?" Abbey says as she pours boiling water over two teabags in the fancy mugs.

We just got back from dropping him off at the airport.

"Do you think he'll be okay? It still seems like he's not himself to me," I reply, pulling open the fridge to grab the milk.

She uses the spoon to get the teabags brewing. "I think so. I know that he wouldn't go if he didn't feel well enough to. I told him to be open about his depression with the guys traveling with him so he doesn't feel forced to do anything."

It's very doubtful that he'll want to tell a bunch of strangers about his biggest insecurities. "I doubt he will. You know how hush hush he is about his mental health."

Abbey picks up both of the mugs to give me one. The side of it burns my fingers. "Yeah, true, but one can hope, right?"

I smile. "Even if he tells one of them. It would make me worry less. He promised to call at least once a day, so I'm really hoping that he keeps his word."

We grab a seat at the dining table with the new coasters I bought the other day coming in handy. "You'll worry yourself sick if not."

I already am. It's been less than an hour, and I'm ready to check-in with him. "I just feel like he's vulnerable right now."

Abbey takes a tiny sip from her mug. "I know what you mean. We'll just have to wait and see. Did you want me to sleep over here while I look after Emmy, or would you prefer her to be at my house?"

Tonight is the last of my night shifts and I'm running on empty. I find it pretty easy to fall to sleep in the day, but seem to feel tired by the time I would usually be going to bed.

"I'm happy for you to stay here if you want? That way she's in her usual routine. I know it's stressing her out to be away from me because she's extra clingy when I drop her off at Robbie's house in the mornings," I reply.

She nods. "I'll do that then. I think blank space will be happy to get rid of me for a little while."

I smile. "It'll be nice for you to get away for a bit too. I stock the naughty cupboard well."

In fact, I recently bought a multipack of Cadbury Flakes because I struggle to go a day without one at the moment. It's like my sweet tooth has come back tenfold, in fact, they were my pregnancy craving until I ate too many and made myself more sick.

Abbey brings herself closer to the table. "Now, I like the sound of a naughty cupboard."

"It's calorie-free if it comes out of there," I joke around, laughing when she nods her head in agreement.

She grips the handle of the mug. "Yeah, I'm liking it even more now. By the way, we'd like to take you out for your birthday. Just us girls. Me, mum, and Isla."

"Would you really? That sounds like so much fun," I reply, thinking that I couldn't think of anything more perfect.

"Um-hm." She nods really fast. "We thought about a late lunch at the Italian restaurant along the seafront before a movie at the outdoor cinema. What do you think?"

I noticed an ad plastered along a lamppost for the Yard Cinema opening last week, and thought it sounded like fun. They have deck chairs, and an old-fashioned popcorn stand where you can choose your own toppings.

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