Chapter 18

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It's around eight o'clock when there's a knock at my door. I'm settled in for the night in my pyjamas and fluffy socks, but manage to catch a peek at who's outside by twitching the curtains a bit to see the familiar shadow of Jamie.

He spots me, and starts to wave.

I wave back, but my hand stays up in the air for an awkward amount of time before he's motioning for me to open the door because he's freezing out there.

I wasn't sure if to expect for him to stay the night having left my mobile in the drawer all day.

I'm clumsy with the lock until it works it's way open with Jamie stepping inside with the cold air following him.

I jump back. "God, it's chilly out there."

His eyes are intent on me. "Are you okay?"

I blink. "Im fine."

There's a big crease forming across his forehead when he frowns. "Did you get my messages?"

I can't help but panic when he takes a huge step forward. "Erm, no."

"Were you ignoring me? Did I do something?" he says, hurt flashing in his gaze.

"I..." I scratch at my hand.

The scent of his warm skin misted with worn off aftershave overcomes me when he sneaks closer with his hands automatically shifting to my waist. "What did I do?" he whispers.

I'm pulling away from him without much of a conscious effort which I know is bothering him because he's following after me.


"I heard you on the phone. I feel like I'm burdening you," I blurt, starting to pace to the other side of the room to escape him.

"Wait, what phone call?" he says, blinking a few times. "You're not burdening me."

I throw my arms up in the air. "You don't want to be a hero, Jay, and I get it. Christ, I know I'm a lot to take on."

I see the moment my words dawn on him. He rubs at his forehead. "You caught me at a bad time, that's all. Of course I'd be your hero. Every damned time. I'm sorry that you had to hear that, but I have moments of weakness where I struggle with anything that's remotely stressful and say things that I don't mean."

I watch him begin to pace.

He takes in several shaky breaths. "You don't know this about me yet, but I'm a manic depressive. I have to take medication otherwise I'll want to kill myself when things get hard."

He's opening up to me.

I'm overcome with a tender warmth that turns sour when I see the desperation in his eyes. "You have Bipolar?"

Oh, the look he's giving me is so heartbreaking. Shame fills every part of him. "Yes, I was diagnosed four years ago after months of being under a psychiatrist. I have Bipolar two and they put it down to the trauma of my past relationship. I spent all of my money in the space of a day before overdosing on prescription meds."

"Oh, Jamie," I whisper, wrapping my fingers with his when he reaches his arm out towards me.

"I'm ashamed to tell you that my home isn't my own. It's Abbey's first house which she rents out to me at a ridiculously low price. I have less than a thousand pounds to my name because almost all of my wages go to paying two credit card debts. I'm a fraud accountant who can't manage his own finances while dealing with other people's cash."

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