Chapter 20

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Two birthday parties down -tick!

I purposely invited everyone over for two o'clock, knowing that the next few hours would tire Emily out enough to sleep through the night. Matt and Yasmin travelled down late last night to spend the weekend with us, the pair of them spoiling Emily rotten with a sack full of presents and clothes.

And, I may have squealed at the sight of the pink Range Rover kiddie car.

Like a lot.

Yasmin found me in the nursery changing a smelly nappy. "Moll, can I help with anything? You seem to be running around after everyone and getting nowhere."

I laugh. "That's exactly how it feels. It's nice to have Abbey and the kids here, though. Even if there isn't enough food."

"Jay and Matt just nipped out to go get some pizza's from the kebab shop down the road," she says, passing me the wet wipes.

I rip into the packet when Emily starts to bounce her legs in protest. "Oh, they are? That's a big help. Is Robbie okay down there?"

"Yeah, he's chatting with Abbey, I think," she replies, opening the tiny wardrobe to compliment the tiny hangers.

I pull the frilly knickers over Emily's nappy to rearrange her tutu. "I couldn't resist not buying them when I saw them on sale in Laura Ashley."

She makes a loud noise. "They have animal heads for hangers. Oh my gosh."

I smile. "They had fairy ones too, but I preferred those."

"I can see why," she replies, closing the wardrobe door. "So, I have some exciting news."

I'm on high alert. "Go on."

She swallows hard, before tucking her hair behind her ears. "We're trying for a baby."

I open my mouth as wide as it goes before starting to jump on the spot. "No way. Yay! Oh, congratulations, Yas."

She laughs. "It's early days yet as I only came off my pill last month, but it's exciting none the less. Matt is going to make the best daddy."

I grab her into my arms with Emily between us. "You never know. You could get pregnant sooner than you think. And, I agree. Matty will ace the dad thing."

She kisses the side of Emily's face when we pull apart. "I love babies. Being a mum has always been a dream of mine."

We hug again before heading for the staircase. "You're made to be a mum, babe. Imagine if you have a girl. Emily and her will be so close. Like sisters."

"I want that so much," she whispers, squeezing my hand with each step to the party where Arabella appears with the teddy Isla bought for Emily in her hands.

"Gah," says Emily, noticing that her beloved bear is in the arms of another.

It's really quite adorable.

Arabella tugs on the hem of my jumper. "Molly, can we play painting with Emily?"

"I'm sorry, baby, not today, she's a little too small." And this dress cost Yasmin too much to ruin.

She nods. "I thought so. Can we still play? I will watch out for her. I just feel a little left out with all of the boys!"

I smile, lowering Emily to the floor where she pulls herself to her feet for a second before wobbling into Arabella who grabs her hands to balance her. "You got it. Don't let her put anything in her mouth though, okay?"

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