A\N : New book?

219 2 5

I'm wanting to write a New book but I'm not sure what to write it on...

I've got some ideas but I can't decide.

here are the ideas;

1. Undertale


3. Cuphead



I've got an idea for a story for each of these but I need help deciding what one to do first, so that I'm not trying to write like seven books at once and put more stress on myself.

I'll put a comment in the comment section, one for each idea, and what ever one has the most replys will be the one I start. 

Idk why I've not seen this way of voting before on wattpad but this is how I'm working it. I feel like it's easier than scrolling through comments and people's votes get missed.

I'll leave the story for a week to let people vote and then I'll come back and see the replys.

I'm not stopping anyone putting a separate comment in but if it's a vote it won't be counted unless it's a reply to one of my voting ones.

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