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*America's pov*

I waited until everyone was asleep before I left my room to do my normal night routine. I peer at the calendar and sighed, this was one of those nights.

What are 'those nights' you may be wandering? Well they are the one night in a month that I have to go and check that no one is doing something bad in my country. This is also the one night in a month that I take to get another SNR base secured and or destroyed.

I quickly check on the kids and then dress my self to leave. I walk out to my balcony and summon one of my secrets, a pair of bald eagle wings slightly tinted to look like my flag.

I fly off into the night and do my rounds, not the easiest due to my shades but I'm used to it by now.

(Time skip cuz her rounds would be boring to type out)

After I've finished I go to a grey concrete building in Wyoming knowing fine well what it is and what'll happen inside. I quietly slip into the building and turn to see that the Second in Command of the SNRs was heading to a torture chamber, probably with one of those poor traumatised humans, torturing them until they broken -mindedly join them. I always feel sorry for them, but I manage to free them before they break or die.

*Germany's pov*

We watch as we see something I never thought possible, AMERICA HAD WINGS!! And here I thought only Poland, Kazakhstan and Romania had them. That was shocking for all of us but no one would be able to prepare for what we saw next.

*Kazakhstan's pov* 

After the shock of Merica's wings had passed we saw that she flew to a place, in Wyoming I think, and she snuk into a big grey building. When she was inside, she got straight to unlocking the chains around the wrists of normal humans, there were multiple rooms she did this in and she helped them get out.

Ame, after everyone who was locked up was safe she stormed in and destroyed the place! The person who I presume was in charge gave an evil chuckle and heald up a gun!

Ame is in some deep trouble no- *bang* the gun fired but America dodged it and....PULLED OUT A KNIFE!!! The person from earlier spoke up "Well come now America, is that any way to say hello to an old enemy?" The way the person had said it went shivers down my spine. "When you've been hunting me and Nada since we were born and your parents did this to me!" America yelled and showed something from under her shades "I guess it is" she finished her sentence and was completely surrounded by people like the first.

*UK's pov*

I watched as my daughter was threatened, retaliated, and then fought and killed the people around her! The only one alive as well as America was the woman who started this, although she was badly injured from fighting America. I noticed something slightly yellow spilling from on of the vents and America must have been the cause of it because she took some matches, lit one and proceed to drop it on the substance. It instantly caught fire while Amy, as we sometimes call her, fled the building, leaving a very weak and injured soldier to burn in the flames.

*America's pov* 

When I entered the house again I saw Canada crying on the floor, the rest of my family looking betrayed and upset, the Soviet family giving me distrustful looks, both Koreas completely shocked and everyone else either distraught, angry or confused. After seeing them like that I knew that they had somehow spyed on me. "WHAT THE HECK DID YOU DO?!?!?!" my brother New Zealand raged at me.

I felt tears in my eyes and weakly said "if you calm down a- and want t- to understand why i- I had to do that then I'll b- be in my o- office." With that I started on my paperwork that I need to catch up on.

(Time skip to 3:50 am)

There was a knock at my door so I told them to come in. "I believe there is explanation for us. Da, America?" I heard Russia behind me. I turn around to see Russia, Canada and Germany in my door. I sigh and say "what part of what you saw do you wanna ask 'bout?". "Vell vhy did you break into somevone's building and kill half of the people there?" Germany questions.


And cliffhanger cuz I can and will have more space to comfortably write it.

Secrets (Countryhumans fem America x Russia)Where stories live. Discover now