Why me?

526 9 3

Italics= Scotland



Underline+Italics=North Ireland

This will explain itself later on.😉


(1 month later)

*America's pov*

A lot has happened this last month, someone from the SNRs had came and copycated me! The worst part of that is that everyone believed that the copycat was the real me.

So I've done the only thing I could, I took my kids and important\secret files, and left them. It's not like they'd miss me or any thing anyway. We've been hiding in Alaska, the place not the person, and have managed to do quite a bit in terms of making a nest so we can sleep in our full animal forms and just staying hidden with the wildlife.

*UK's pov*

It's been half a month and America is never there before or after school, although Australia and the others going to the local school say that they've seen both her and her copycat everyday. Another thing is that the States have disappeared as well, this time no one has seen any of them. Lastly and most importantly, she hasn't shown up to any world meetings since her first disappearance from home.

 "Fer goodness sake, am tellin' ye we should've A: trusted America an B: said the other wan wis te copycat!!" Oh for the love of, here we go again. " No! If she doesn't trust us enough to tell us about 50 KIDS! Then we should not be trusting her, as for the copycat situation, I trust that everyone else was as confident about the real one having the slightly battered shades-" " now that you mention her shades England,  I'm gonna have to side with Scot, we ALL know that if they had the slightest scratch, she would have a spare pair on her face in no time! "

Now I need a good cup of tea before they all kill my head.

 "Hon, are you feeling ok?" France gives me a worried look "Yes love, I'm fine, no need to worry" I respond. Although none of the Countries in my body, or the thoughts in my mind can concentrate. The only thing bothering us is; Where is America?, Was I a bad father?, Is she ok?, Did I trust the wrong person? 

I'll leave it to tomorrow.

*??????'s pov*

I was taking a nice, late night walk around the land that used to be my brother's. Too bad one of the Tsars had sold him at some point.

 "Hey, Mosc? Are you feeling ok?" I hear my sister behind me. "I'm fine Pete, just lost in thought...." I say, not wanting her to worry. "You're missing him, aren't you?" Darn it, she knew. " y-yeah" I respond "you'll get over bin eventually, it'll be oka-" CRASH!!!!! "AAAAHHHHHHGGGGGG!!!!"

We hear something break and someone yell in pain, it takes a few seconds to realise that the sound was 20 paces ahead of us. We decide to go and help whoever it was and find.....



Sorry about this chapter being somewhat shorter than the others, I just really wanted to put a cliffhanger there.😅😅😅

Can you guess who the mystery people are?

Also, if I ever do a mystery pov, I will always put; the same amount of question marks and spaces as there are letters and spaces in the name and I will always put hints in their part of the chapter.

To give a hint for now they are ?????? and ?? ??????????

I will say no more.  >=3

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