Gone again?!

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*Canada's pov*

I got up early to see about a couple of things. First was a vile with a pink liquid inside, next was breakfast, and lastly, check up on Ame.

I started with the first thing on that list and picked up the vile, it was labelled 'Canada's memories' and that confused me. I have my memories, although, I can't remember anything from before I was 3, even then there's a good chunk of those memories gone. I read the instructions and they say, 'WARNING!!! Memories of trauma will be kept within this vile. Only give this vile to Canada when I've gone missing. Please realise that these memories were taken in the hope of a normal childhood for my younger brother.' So America must have written the label.

I quickly check America's room and find that,  SHE'S GONE AGAIN! Well, at least I'll be following the instructions now. I unscrew the cork and drink the liquid.

(Memory flash, if some of you don't like gore, please skip this part)

America was carrying me, she looked terrified. She was running faster than I've ever seen her run. We arrive at a hospital and she asks for an appointment right that second. The woman at the counter is about to decline her for not booking ahead until she sees who was speaking and what state she was in. She tells us which floor and room to go to and Ame is soon on an operating table, one of the nurses is holding me while I can hear my older sister grunting in pain. I made the mistake of looking over and my eyes were instantly greeted with blood. America was laying on the table, a doctor with a pair of operating tweezers was trying to pull something out of Ame's chest, when he was done, he moved to another spot on her chest and I can feel myself crying from the horror of what I'm witnessing. I looked to the metal table beside America and see it has what the doctor was pulling out on it. I may have been only 4 months old, but I knew a bullet when I saw one.

I'm jolted to another memory and America is wearing a pair of sunglasses over her eyes. She was trying to get me into fighting, showing me how to shoot a gun, how to properly use a knife and how to win a fist fight and kick properly. I was a year old and was getting pretty good at knives and brawls, not so much on shooting. We were just walking out of the building when we were attacked by those people who harmed us again. One of them tried to grab me, but I punched him in his no no square, as America calls it. (HEY! don't touch me there, this is, my no no square! Srry I just had to) I blink for one second and most over them are dead, there's only one more guy and Ame has her foot on his chest. I already know what's gonna happen, I've trained myself to be able to look at it, and Ame pushes her foot hard on the guy's chest. There's a sickening crack and America's foot goes through his chest, crushing his organs and bones and covering her leg in blood. "C'mon Nada, before backup comes" Ame warns. I go with her, she's the only family I have left anyway and we need each other.

(Gore end)

I saw a couple more and when they were done I understood why America did what she did and felt the need to go, they were tracking her.

*Belarus's pov*

I woke up and decided to check on America, then go to the kitchen and have a potato. When I got to America's room, Canada was there with a look of realization, shock and understanding on his face. "Um, Canada? What's wrong?" I asked him, he turns around and says "She left, to protect us. Everything she's done behind out backs, is to make sure we're safe."

I realized he was talking about America. "But how is murdering someone, protecting us?" I asked, aware that someone had woke everyone else up to hear this. "They aren't good. Mum, dad, you already know, don't you?" We all look over to France and Britain. "Yes we do. Your sister explained it to us before she gave you to us." France admits

 "Wait, you and America were....adopted?!" China says. "Yeah, our real parents were murdered when I was 4 months old. America had taken care of me after." Canada explains "We only had each other for the best part of 3 years!" He continues. "Then ve came to have peace with your fader and were told that he vos dead." Russia adds on. I think back and I can see Ukraine and Kazakhstan doing the same, and we more or less realised at the same time, that yes, we had met them before.

*Russia's pov*

I was glad to chip in and help Canada explain a bit, that story would be a nightmare to tell alone. I noticed him refinding his half-animal form and tapping the back of his neck, where he shares the same shape and location of birthmark as America.

(Time skip)

We were in the forrest in Alaska, how'd we get here? Canada and America can locate each other through their birthmarks, considering that they're identical. I hear hissing and know that Ame is nearby. "She's close." I let them know "Thanks Russ." I nod and turn into my wolf form to track her more easily.

Secrets (Countryhumans fem America x Russia)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora