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*America's pov*

So that's what they're on at for now, "so you're wondering why I had no choice in the matter of.....eliminating them" I hated having to do it but what needs to be done must be done. "Meri, y- you didn't have to, they even offered a peaceful solution." Canada tells me. I sigh " no Nada, you don't understand, they would've continued what they normally did, but they would be stronger if I joined...... And th- they would've k-k-killed you.... " I vaguely explained.

 "Vhy would zey vant to do zat?" Germany asks. "It's because they see him as a weak fighter, because they've not seen what he's capable of..." I trail off, " any other questions? " gosh how I just want to be over with this. "The sunglasses, why wear them when outside is dark?" Russia asks, I can't believe that he can't remember........although it was a long time ago. "Y-you don't remember...... do you Russia?" I say, sadness seeping into my voice as I fail at being able to cover my feelings infront of these three very powerful countries.

Russia gives my a confused glance before looking down in thought. "You really forgot, didn't you? You forgot about that day 12 years ago *sigh* I don't blame ya, it's easy to forget something......... especially when you have nothing to remind you of" "wait....America?!" Russia cut me off while I was talking but I let him speak, considering the hyper, sweet and joyful facade I had put up had pretty much crumbled down at this point.

*Russia's pov*

As America was speaking, a part of what she said gave me flashbacks. "-You forgot about that day 12 years - " 


(Russian) " dad, when are we going to be at Mr USA's house? " 

(Russian) " in a bit son, it's not far from here. "

*gunshot* (English) " come, I know where you're going and it ain't safe there, plus we'd moved since then... " 

A girl who's face was the American flag lead us out of the city and into the woods, she wore sunglasses on her face and had very sporty clothes for a kid younger than myself. She also has multiple weapons on her; a gun at either thigh and a knife at either calf.

 She also has multiple weapons on her; a gun at either thigh and a knife at either calf

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(something like this and I'm sorry, the quality of my camera isn't very good😅)

We were about halfway there and she jumped into a bush. The next thing we heard was shouting, shooting and cracking. The girl came back but....... she was covered in blood.

she signalled to us to continue walking and we soon came upon a house in the woods, the girl ran up to the door and fiddled with some keys before opening the door. "Nada I'm back! And please don't hide from the guests, I've personally invited them so they're not gonna hurt us!" The girl yells as we come in. She turns the lights on and for the first time I see that she is a neko, like that one girl Japan, and she has wings, like my brother Kazakhstan.

Soon enough, a little boy, younger than the girl, crawls out and runs to the girl. Then came something that no one was prepared for....

(Russian) " I'm sorry, we had no time for introductions out there, I'm America and this is my younger brother Canada. I believe you came looking for my father, USA? " she said calmly.

(Russian) "y-yes, how did you-" my father's sentence is cut off.

(Russian) "speak Russian? I learned from my dad because he fought in near enough every war this country was in." She explained. 

My father had recovered from the shock by now and said (Russian) " well, may I speak wi-" (Russian) " NO! " she spoke firmly. This caught us off guard (Russian) " y-you can't speak with h-him b- b- because... " she trailed off for a moment. (Russian) " why not? " my father asked (Russian) " because h- he's g- gone! " I was confused but my father seemed to understand what she meant.

After looking around the house a bit, I understood what she meant as well. Her Parents Were Dead.

*Time skip*

It was three months since America let us stay in her home and I couldn't be more grateful, there was a lot, and I mean A LOT, of bloodshed outside. Guns and screaming were the main things we'd fall asleep to, but every so often, there were quite nights, we would calm ourselves down from the adrenaline we got from outside on those nights.

world it was on one of those nights that I first got to see them. America's eyes. She always kept them hidden, even from her brother, but one quite night, she had a breakdown. I acted on instinct and hugged her. She hugged back and whispered " I - I need to sh- show you something, but you can't tell anyone! Not your family, not your friends.not even my brother! Just keep it between the two of us... " she had years rolling down her face, I hesitantly agreed to what she wanted me to keep and she stood back from me. She took her shades off and her eyes were beautiful, but scared quite badly. Her list she was ruby red with a huge scar going over it and her right eye was a faded and pale looking blue which was cracked directly on the eyeball and not just over the top of it like her left one.

(I know her blue eye isn't accurate to the description but I was working with what I had and accidentally made it darker than I intended)

She told me that she got them because the people who killed most of her family had done it and that she also had exactly 20 bullet wounds to the chest from the leader of the three baddies.

(Time skip)

6 months since America let us stay here and Canada seems to be missing, as well as Bell, Kaz and Ukraine. 

 "Sir, we need to leave, the Rebels will be here any minute and I don't want you to burn with the house and enemies!" I can hear America yelling to my dad. They had just last month signed a peace treaty and she had opened up to us about her and her family being put on ice from the time the Civil War ended to 2 years before we came here to discuss peace, which would mean that they had been 'asleep' for near enough the entire Cold War, and it was their government, not their Countryhuman, who decided to start it!

The next thing I know me and my dad are being pulled into a secret cavern and towards some minecarts with both our younger siblings and luggage in them. Dad and I get in the same minecart as my siblings and America grabs a shovel. She fires one of her guns at something through a hole in the entrance and I can hear a fire start above us followed by confused yelling in both English and Russian.

America starts to free our carts as someone starts to move the rock blocking the way in. She finishes freeing us as some people come in from the house above, three of them manage to get in the cart just behind Ame and start flailing knives at her. She leans forward and whispers to us "to right" then sinks at us, detaching the cart she's in from our two.

There was a fork in the rails and we leaned right while behind us America leaned left. Soon her track was at a point where it broke into nothing and that's when America CLIMBED OUT OF HER CART AND JUMPED ON THE SIDE OF OURS!!! She proceed to climb around our cart to the one in front of us where Canada was and she climbed into that one.

*flashback end*

 "Wait....America?!" I exclaim, now remembering her and how much she's helped me and my family over those months. 

The only thing I could do was to around her desk and but her, like we used to 12 years ago. She cried into my chest (cuz Rus be fall as heck 0_0) and I let her head, it was a way I remember I'd calmed her down with back then and I guess I broke her cause she started purring and her animal parts were summoned.

Our little moment was interrupted when Canada said "WAIT, AMERICA'S A NEKO AND YOU KNEW EACH OTHER BEFOREHAND?!?!?! "

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