All better?

224 7 2

Wow! I just checked the stats of this book and am shocked! (I'm still learning ok?! No judging.)

338 VEIWS!?!?!?!?!?

when I first started this story I was scared that no one would find it!

Thanks ssooooooooo much, this means a lot to me😁

Either way, onto the story.


* ??????????'s pov*

I was standing inbetween them all when they arrived home. Not like they'd notice I was there but I made it my responsibility to look after my younger siblings when our parents and older sister couldn't. None of us wanted either of them in trouble like 1812 with mom and dad, or our own sibling conflict during... the ACW as we agreed to keep it to.

Over the time I've come back to Earth and watched over my little sister, I've noticed that Our Little Star had sparked an interest in the slav standing next to her. Ever since she found the secret files, which were written completely in Russian, she's been interested in everything from their language to their culture to even their history! I'd personally never seen her so interested in anything before.

I was probably lost in thought because the next thing I knew I zoned into someone saying "Who is that America?" While pointing at me. Amy had warned me that where and when I was deep in thought was gonna get me caught. You see, when I'm lost in thought, I stop paying even a little attention to what's going on around me, so I have a tendency to 'reveal myself' by accident.

*America's pov*

I warned him! I WARNED HIM THAT HE WOULD GET CAUGHT!!! "Alright Conny, what were ya thinking of now?" I asked, completely agitated about why he lost himself in a public area, again. "Just humoured by how no one has noticed the interest you have in a certain someone ~" he said smugly. I knew what he was talking about, I had a little crush on Russia, he must have picked up on it due to most of his time spent more or less spying on me.

I swear if that man wasn't already dead I would have killed him. "Ame..." Russia said in a warning, yet playful tone. "D- did I say that out loud?" I question, embarrassed. From the way Con, Nada and the slav siblings were now ending themselves with laughter and other people were slightly confused I could tell I did.

(Time skip)

I was finishing tucking the kids in, it took some time to explain about the incidence with my family and how there ghosts watched over us and Hawaii, along with several of my 6 year old States, couldn't get to sleep without a bedtime story.

 "Been long day, no? Is now time for our sleep." I heard a familiar and comforting Russian voice say. "I still have work Rus." I softly reply. Wow, I didn't know my voice could be that soft. He came and hugged me from behind, making me lightly gasp. "If you're not going to sleep soon, I'll have to make you~" man he's getting better at speaking clearly in English. (Russian) "mom, dad just get to sleep." (Russian) "ok kid, you just get yourself to sleep ok? We'll handle ourselves." Alaska then proceeds to roll over and give me a serious staredown (Russian) "mom, if you're not going straight to bed, I swear that I will get Moscow and St Petersburg, and we will make. you. sleep!" Well ok then little Mr Grumpy. 

Russia raised an eyebrow from behind me and said "well now you have no choice." I looked the opposite way, puffing out my cheeks. "If you not going by yourself, I'll carry you~" goodness! Is he trying to flirt with me?! I sorta just froze in place. "Ok, is your choice." He says and picked me up bridal style. My stripes were probably invisible due to my embarrassment. I heard Alaska chuckling in his room, that didn't help my embarrassment any.

 "I know what your like, so I will be here tonight." He states as he places me on the bed. He closed the door and crawled into the bed with me. I'd given up trying to argue or even speak at this point from the embarrassment. Russia hugged me close to him and did something I wasn't expecting, he leaned in closer to my face and HE KISSED ME?! There was a mixture of emotions on my face before I smiled, I gave him a peck on the lips and said (Russian) "I love you Rus." (Russian) "I love you too my Little Star~" I blushed at the nickname, remembering that was my nickname from my original family before this conflict started.

We'll just need to see what tomorrow brings.

*??? ?? ???????'s pov*

Hehehe, they don't suspect a thing. I'll need to wait till the morning when others are out so I'm less likely to be caught but that's an issue for the morning.

Secrets (Countryhumans fem America x Russia)Where stories live. Discover now