Meeting again.

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(I can't change the language I'm typing in so I'll let you know when they're using a different language by saying at the start of someone's words)


Running again through the night. I have to keep Nada hidden, they'll kill us if they catch us. There's a gunfire in the distance and I know we've been seen.

I hide Nada in a bush and run for the man, fast as a bullet,and I take a knife from it's sheath on my calf and stab him in the chest.

*America's pov*

I jolt awake, breathing rapidly as I look around my room. There's a knock on my door and a slightly russian accented voice says(Russian) "Mum? Are you ok?" I instantly recognise the voice and say(Russian) "I'm fine, Alaska, don't worry."

He comes in and reminds me about the world meeting that I'm now 30 minutes late for. I thank my son and do a spead up version of my morning routine. As I leave the house I yell "KIDS I'M OUT TO WORK IF ANYTHING HAPPENS YOU KNOW HOW TO HANDLE IT, IF ONE OF THE ORGANISATIONS COME HOME TELL THEM I'M OUT AND FOR THE LOVE OF GOD TEXAS, CALIFORNIA, PLEASE DON'T GET INTO ANOTHER FIGHT. I DON'T WANNA HAVE TO LEAVE THE MEETING WITH THE TWO OF YOU AS THE SOURCE!" With that I hop in my car and head off to the office.

*UN's pov*

America is late as normal and for once doesn't make an excuse for it. "Alright, now that everyone is here we will start the meeting." I announce. 

 (time skip cuz I don't wanna type out the entire meeting)

*America's pov*

I'm get into my car with 20 other countries following me. "Alright, I have some ground rules once we get there." I say " I zink dis ist zee first time vee've heard you say zat , never mind zinking of you say zat! " Germany stated from the back seat. I just brush it off and continue to the forrest mansion.

I pull up into the driveway and watch everyone's expressions change from calm to pure shock and awe. I had already let the states know not to greet me or interact with me in till everyone was asleep so I wasn't bombarded with 50 or more kids being very excited and jumpy about my return.

*Russia's pov*

I stare up at Ame's mansion and start to ask myself why she has it. It's like she wants to hide something from us. "Follow me you open-mouthed starers" I look to see who said that and of course it was America.

*America's pov* 

I lead them inside and allocate them their rooms which they all seem happy with. "Ok, now for the rules." I say once everyone is back in the lobby "first. No one and I mean NO ONE goes in my room without my permission, weather I'm in the room or out." They all nodded "second. If there seems to be a lot of something, Please don't ask about it, just roll with it?" They looked unsure but agreed none the less "and finally, do Not, and I repeat, DO. NOT. go in any of the rooms on the right hand side of the front door." " but why mate? " Australia asks me. "Just don't, it's better for all of us if I'm the only one with access to them." I sigh " Australia! Let your sister have her privacy, we've not had contact with her in 2 years and some things can change very quickly. " France scolded Aussy and I grabbed my paperwork from today's meeting and headed to my office.

(Time skip to 1 am)

 "GAH!" my voice sounded stressed as I rewrap the bandages on my arms with clean ones. "Moma?" A little southern accent spoke. " oh Texas, you gave me a small shock there. What's going on? " I ask. "Well, Hawaii is hav'n another nightmare 'bout the war and Alaska ain't able to calm 'er down-" "I'll be there in a second", I cut her off and smile at her.

Gosh, how will I be able to keep them a secret, as well as my ugly scars. I take off my shades to reveal the damage someone caused to me 15 years ago.

(I know, I'm terrible at digital drawing)

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(I know, I'm terrible at digital drawing)

Nobody other than my kids know about these. And I intend to keep it that way as long as possible.

I comfort Hawaii and decide to continue on my paperwork. Before I knew it,I had fallen asleep at my  desk.


So that's the end of my first chapter. Tell me what you think is gonna happen and how well I did the chapter.

This is my first time on wattpad and I'm still getting used to it. Hope you've enjoyed so far. Ceereo.

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