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*Alaska's pov*

I was walking with Texas and just enjoying the landscape. Tex went ahead of me, I didn't mind cause she A: knows the land just as well as me and B: SHE ALWAYS CARRIES A GUN ON HER!!

I heard cracking and was too late to move because the next thing I knew a tree had crashed on me "AAAAAAHHHHHGGGGG!!!!" I know Tex heard me because I've tested with mom and my voice can be heard from the other side of the state when I yell.

 "ALASKA?!" I turn, or well as much as I could, to see my two older siblings, Moscow and St Petersburg, running towards me with tears in their eyes.

I tear up as well, I've not seen them in just over a century!

There's the sound of someone running behind me and Moscow takes out his sword. " Who's there? SHOW YOURSELF!! " Pete yells into the distance.

Being part animal helps because I can smell that the hidden person is Texas, and I can sense that she has her gun out and loaded.

 "Stop! All of you!" I yell, My siblings are stunned for a second, although Texas regains her composure first and runs to help me out. Moscow readies his sword while St Pete pulls out and loads a musket.

(Russian) "PLEASE STOP, NEITHER OF YOU ARE HELPING BY PULLING WEAPONS ONE MY YOUNGER SISTER!!!" I yell at them, cause that seems to be the only way they'll understand it.

(Russian) " wait, who? " Moscow asks, looking genuinely confused. (Russian) " she's my younger sister.... I thought dad would've told you guys by now" I say, now that they're listening. "Told us what?" " that ever since I was sold to USA, I've become a part of the family. And I'm the oldest State for that matter. " I explain (Spanish) "wait what?" Texas says lifting the tree off me.

"Texas, I still can't understand Mexican." I remind her "oops, sorry partner, it slipped ma mind" she responds in her usual accent.

Moscow asked us a few more questions and the entire time that was going on we didn't notice Pete calling Russia.

*Texas's pov*

We had a nice chat with Moscow, and turns out that he's a pretty nice guy. Wait, oh shoot. I'm gettin' that warm, fuzzy feelin'again.

the first time was years ago, mom told me the feelin' was love and I should listen to ma heart. The guy broke my heart soon after and I was scared to be in another relationship again.

The girl, St Petersburg I think, soon came back and said somethin' in Russian. "Well it was nice to catch up with you guys but we should be going." Alaska said. "But you can't walk like that." St Petersburg said "who said we were walkin'" I retorted , I could see the slight worry on Alaska's face and knew he meant we had to go before we had company.

we summoned our wings and flew off to the nest where we were scolded for talking to them and about the situation it landed us in.

*Russia's pov*

I got a call from my daughter, St Petersburg, about finding two of America's kids in the North most state and they were acting slightly skittish.

I grabbed My coat, a knife and Canada, and went to find them. Considering it was just the end of school.

 "Where are we going Russia?" Canada asked before we got on the bus. " one of my own kids found two of Ame's. " I said in probably the clearest English I'd ever spoken.

(Time skip)

We arrived and Moscow was with Pete, looking in the direction I assume they went in. (Russian) " come on papa! We could lose their sent at this rate! " Moscow complains.

 "Ok, we coming." I say so that Canada knows we were starting now. We walked together for a while but lost the sent in a river. 

I sigh, knowing we'll need to go back now.


Did you guess that it was Moscow and St Petersburg? Well done if you you did.

Again, sorry for the short chapter, I was tired, running out of ideas and thinking about drawing. :-[

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