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*America's pov*

I sat up feeling sick and my head is spinning. I groan as I get up only to realise that I have chains on my wrists connected to the walk behind me and a handkerchief tied over my mouth! The smell of Soviet - Nazi Rebels is overwhelming.

It doesn't take me long to realise what happened to me...............

They kidnapped me!

I look around the place for a way out or something, anything! I soon hear a groan from the other side of the room and look over to see Soviet, Third Reigh and Japanese Empire all out cold, asleep on the stone floor and Fascist Italy waking up, all four of them are chained the same way as me, and they look starving too.

How long were they imprisoned here? "Well well well, the 'world superpower' has finally woken from her beauty sleep" he said somewhat mockingly. "I wish, not had one of those since I was 2" I retort in a bitter tone. This was enough to wake Japanese Empire. (Japanese) "shut up please" I understood what she said and decided to try and contract one of my kids.

Thank God for neurotransmition! (She can talk to all her kids through her mind and they can do the same, no matter where they are or what they're doing)

'- Hey Alaska?-' I ask if my oldest State is awake. '- yes mama? What's wrong?-' '- the Rebels have me locked up in a room with your grandfather, Soviet, and all three of the Axis Powers -' '- ok! I'll get the Military Branches and some others from the house! Are you ok?! Is anyone hurt?! Do you know which state you're located?!-' '- ok, 1; yes, I'm fine, although the other four don't look so good 2; not that I know of and 3; from the temperature coming through the walls, we're in your state.-' '- ok, we'll be there as soon as we can!-'

*Alaska's pov*

We finished talking and ran straight to the mansion. I let the Military Branches know about the situation and where to wait on me and I soon arrived.

"Ok, Al, you'll need to go in and get who we need because they know and will trust you better." Army says. "ok" is all I can respond with before changing into a cat and running inside. Upon instinct, I run for Russia, who looks at me confused. I changed back into my human from and, practically screamed, what the situation was and who was involved.

Russia, upon hearing that Soviet was involved, grabbed a rifle and let the others know what was going on. Within the next 5 minutes, there was a small team formed and I lead them out. The team consisted of, Russia with a rifle and a knife, Ukraine with a pistol, Japan with a katana, Germany with a hacking device and those hidden blades you can get and Italy with, basically, his bare hands! (He was clearly working off the ravioli 😂😂)

(Time skip)

*Soviet's pov*

I woke up to see everyone else awake and someone new in the room. It took a while for my vision to focus, seeing as I have been napping for basically the entire month. (You've been hibernating boi 7-7)

Once I can see clearly I recognise the country, America?! (Russian) "America? Is that you? Are you ok?" I ask, Third gives me 'the look' and says "Zoviet, you know she doezn't know Russ-" (Russian) " yes I'm fine, the situation we're in for this catchup could be better but we'll have to make do. " she muffled out in Russian (she still has her mouth tied) , surprising everyone in the room. The two of us laugh at their confusion and then I explain about how we met, how she knew a good range of languages, how to speak them, what others are saying in them, just, for some weird reason, not how to read them.

(5 hours later)

America had started something to pass the time, singing 1000 bottles of vodka on the wall, which I joined with, then she changed it to 1000 pints of beer on the wall, Third enjoyed that one, 1000 cups of tea, JE sang to that and we're by now at 49 of the 1000 glasses of tequila on the wall to which we can hear the guard at the door getting very annoyed, and we're enjoying his suffering, and we've all been singing it while America whistles the tune.

How is she whistling with her mouth tied shut? Well I had discovered, around the first week we met, that she has some pretty useful and some pretty weird talents, one of the weird ones is that she can whistle through her nose and her ears. I don't understand how or why she can do this but I gave up questioning it after the first month.

We hear a beep and a hissing sound shortly after. I notice the chamber is slowly filling with gas, TOXIC GAS. Me and the others don't panic, for some reason we can breathe in this gas (probably because your dead in real life rn) but America looks like she's choking, tears are spilling down her face and she's consumed by pure terror. She passes out and we can hear yelling, guns and the gas.

We hear the guard outside being knocked out and the door is bust open. Russia walks in and frees us from the shackles and picks America up.

We go outside with him and run out of the building moments before it bursts into flames.

(Time skip)

We lay her on her bed and let her rest, we head downstairs and have some catchup time with Britain and France.

France was completely worried about the Little Star while Britain seemed to be arguing with himself in his head, I assumed it was Scotland and England fighting ......... again. How do I know his secret of the four countries in him? Well I walked into his room for a private conversation and he was stood infront of his mirror looking lost, I could hear voices and when I looked at what should be his reflection, there were four countries in a white void, the two biggest were bickering while the two smaller ones were keeping themselves out of it, later I had went to Ireland asking about it and he told me who they were and what normally happens with them.

*America's pov*

I woke up in my room at my house and was instantly called by NASA '- Hey mum, I've managed to get everyone here. Can you come back to the nest or are you still unconscious?-' '- no NASA, I'm fine, I'll be back as soon as I can.-' '- ok -' 

We stopped taking and I instantly jumped out the window, summoned my wings, and flew away.

I'm sorry everyone, there's so much going on and my presence will just put you all in danger.

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