The Showdown

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*America's pov*

I woke up at around 7:00am, my brain started to panic and I went to get out of bed. "Mary, sleep please." Russia murmured from behind me "but I need to make breakfast and wake up the kids." I complain. "Canada, Ukraine and South are handling it. Rest..." Hearing that someone has the meal covered made me relax a bit. I could hear Confederate trying not to laugh at the situation I found myself in so I shot a glare in his direction.

(Time skip)

Everything was running smoothly in the morning, the kids went to school, South and Japan talked about manga in SK's room, China and North spoke about politics or something similar, mum and dad decided to go for a walk with Soviet, Third, JE and FI, Germany was, well, studying and about everyone else was playing on their phones or the tv.

I felt like something was off.

I had presently been on my balcony that looked on the west side of Florida. 

Next thing I knew, there was a loud bang and a bullet had shot towards me. Russia had been in my room, still half asleep, and came straight to me when the gun fired. "Is everything ok out here!?" I could tell he was super worried, his voice let it show. I showed him the bullet and he was amazed. I had caught the bullet inbetween two of my fingers.

I spotted the culprit and spead downstairs and out back. The guy was the last one I needed to get rid of, the last Soviet -Nazi Rebel! (The laaaast melon) "Stop!" I yell at him. (Russian) "come now, it's our last showdown America. After all these years, we're finally closing the curtain." He said , trying and horribly failing to sound sad. "Then let's finish it!" I spit , venom coating every word I said.

(4 hours of fighting later)

I won! I was badly injured, but I won! Russia and Canada instantly hugged me before Belarus patched me up a bit. We were relieved and agreed to not speak about it again.

(At the next World Meeting)

It was the next World Meeting and I decided that it would be safe enough to bring NASA and DC with me. Don't get me wrong, I was still terrified that someone would use them against me but I had allies who knew and supported me now so I could trust that they're safe.

 "Wait out here for a second." I said and walked in. I was last in so I could introduce them. "You're late again.." UN stated "I know. I have two people I'd like to introduce to everyone." "Go on" I motioned for NASA and DC to enter. "This is NASA and this is DC" I say gesturing to my son and daughter. "Are they like close friends or something? " "they're my eldest kids..." * gasp*


I'm gonna end it there cuz the meeting is boring as heck and the story ends after the meeting...😐

See ya in my next book.

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