Chapter 6

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Thank you" he stuttered and flipped through the pages, scanning his eyes on the pages moving, as the pen glided in his hand onto the paper. Your eyes widened seeing how fast he was reading and taking notes. 

You got out a piece of loose leaf paper from your binder and started doodling. Bobby looked away from his textbook and watched you draw, with his eyes right on the paper. You drew the blue animatronic bunny, and you noticed Bobby's smile get wider, showing his shiny metal braces. "Do you like it?" You asked him. He nodded. "Its very good!" He replied. 

"Thank you!" You smiled and signed the picture "To: Bobby Love: (Y/N)" and gave it to him. He read it and his smile got even wider and his green eyes seemed to get smaller. He squeezed you and thanked you. You smiled and then drew more pictures. But then, your teacher went to you and Bobby and took your doodles away, and put it on his desk. 

You frowned, wanting to finish the picture you were working on for Bobby. Bobby saw your frown and his smile widened and his irises and pupils shrunk, right eye twitching,  and he slumped out of his seat and walked up to the teachers desk. He took the papers back and handed them back to you, without speaking. He just had that smile on his face. 

But you had to admit it was really cute. His personality seemed so adorable and he was so kind and understanding, even when it seems creepy at first. You heard Mary Anne talking about you, so you covered your ears. Bobby looked at them with that smile, and they stopped talking about you after that. 

When the bell rang for the next class, you said goodbye to Bobby, that it was nice meeting him. "You are the first friend I have ever had" you told him, before leaving the classroom. But what almost made your heart stop, was that Bobby was in your next class. 

And the one after that. 

And even the one after that. 

Reflection (Yandere!Human!Male!Toy Bonnie x Female!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now