Chapter 2

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The very next day, your dad had off of work. Mikey was all ready to go to Freddy Fazbear's Pizza, though you didnt want to go at all. It just gave you the creeps. But you couldnt refuse to go, since your parents always acted like they liked your little brother more. You got into the car with a cheese and lettuce sandwich, putting a Queen tape into your cassette player. 

You put on your headphones holding  your sandwich in your mouth as the song Killer Queen played. You took the sandwich out of your mouth, taking a bite out of it. Your little brother got into the car with his Teddy Ruxpin doll. That thing also gave you the creeps. Your brother always walked around with it, to every place he went. Well, can you blame him? He is 4 years old. 

You straightened your curly hair and fixed your headband as a group of boys from school rode by on their motorcycles with their girlfriends. You got out of the car to wave but then one pulled up next to the car. "Hey Y/N!" the cocky Rick Hamilton, the most popular boy at school, yelled at you. 

Rick Hamilton was a senior student at the Sampson High School a couple blocks away, the same school you go to. He took off his helmet and fixed his slick greased back hair and tugged on his leather jacket. His girlfriend, Anne Marie Walsh, the most popular girl at school, was right behind him. 

She always looked so perfect. She always had the right hair, the right clothes, and overall the perfect appearance. Her curly hair was tied back into a pony tail with a neon pink bow in her hair, and neon green sunglasses on the top of her head. She had a short denim skirt that complimented her neon plastered crop top. 

More motorcycles parked next to their motorcycle, the riders having almost the same sense of clothing style. Well they were popular, of course. "I see you still dont have a ride." Rick snorted. "Or a boyfriend!" Anne Marie scoffed and everyone laughed. You looked down and fumbled your thumbs. 

Shaliah Gray, Anne Marie's best friend strutted over to you with the posse behind her. "And where are you going at the moment, dork?" She asked. Your brother poked his head out of the car with his Teddy Ruxpin doll. "Freddy Fazbear's Pizza!" He shouted. The group of kids laughed. "That little kids joint? Really?" Anne Marie mocked. 

Shaliah chewed on a wad of bubblegum and flipped her frizzy hair a bit out of her face. You felt like you just wanted to crawl into a ditch and just stay there. Anne Marie grabbed your cassette player and threw it on the ground. "Dweeb!" She laughed and twirled her peace sign necklace around her finger as the posse got back on their motorcycles and left. 

Luckily your cassette player wasnt broken. You picked it up and brushed the dirt off of it. Your parents finally came out. "Why arent you in the car?" They asked. You got into the car and buckled both your brother's and your own seatbelts. You had the feeling that the posse was going to be outside of the pizzeria to mock you. 

Your dad put the key into the ignition and started to drive to Freddy Fazbear's Pizza. 

Reflection (Yandere!Human!Male!Toy Bonnie x Female!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now