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*Alexis' POV*

I groan, as does my stomach. My eyes slowly open and I wince several times as the light burns them.

"Luna?" I ask sleepily. I feel a stir under me and pull myself up. I was just sleeping on her shoulder. Deciding that I shouldn't wake her up, I go to the kitchen and search the cupboards for food. I pull out a box of cereal and dump some of it in a bowl.

Then I put back the box and grab the carton of milk out of the fridge and pour some in. I put back the carton and noiselessly travel back into the living room. I sit on the couch beside Luna and turn on the tv to news. I watch intently as I eat my cereal. After about ten minutes in, my face pops up on the screen and I nearly drop my spoon on the floor. I violently shake Luna awake and shh her as she asks what's going on. She catches on quickly and we both stare at the female news reporter talking on the screen.

"Just 3 days ago young Alexis Valeria went missing." They showed a picture of me. "She had been kidnapped somewhere in the general downtown Seattle region. Please keep your eyes and ears open as Alexis has not yet been found, and the kidnapper is still out there. More on this story at 7."

I turn off the tv and put my head in my hands. There's still so much to do.

Hello there peeps. I am Div as you should know. I'm not a big fan of fan fiction plugs. So don't plug your fan fiction on twitch. Lel. Okay besides that hello. I think I am back, finally! Hopefully none of you have completely forgotten me. So there's that, yeh? Yeh. Alright welp. Thanks for reading and do all that good stuff that you do. Nobs 4 Lyf, Homies Unite, Lovers 4Ever, Anal Army, Critters, and; BAI!

*Original Stats: 👀91⭐4💬1*

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