White Cloth

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"ALEEEKS! ALLLLEEEEEEEKKKSS WAKE THE FUCK UP! ALEKS! ALEKS!" I hear wild screaming in my ears and my eyes shoot open. Eddie, with his eyes closed, and his screams turned to pleading, he shakes me viciously.

"Dammit Eddie! I'm up!" I say, glaring at him. He looks down at me and I see his eyes glisten from moisture. Is he...crying?

"Eddie are you okay?!" I ask, he nods his head,

"Yeah, but you may not be!" Eddie pulls me from the bed and half drags me to the living room, practically throwing me onto the couch.

"What the hell-"I start, but Sly interrupts me,

"Shut UP ALEKS!" He screams at me. What had gotten into him? I nod my head, shocked at how violent he was being, "So, let's start out with the simple fact the ALEXIS HAS FUCKING GIVEN HERSELF UP TO DAWSON!" I watch as Eddie trembles, and I'm sure I am shaking. I can't move, or speak, or do much of anything so I just stare at him with disbelief. My heart contacts and my vision slowly starts to blur. I don't care to snap out of my daze, even as Eddie shouts wearily into my ear and slaps my cheeks, trying to get me out of it, but why should I? Why should I do anything, anymore? The girl I loved most, just giving herself up? Wait...But why?


*~Alexis' POV~*

I slowly walk into the dark and damp alley. The alley of which he told me we were going to meet up. I stand alone in the middle of the deserted area, and hear the soft pitter-patter of the rain droplets hitting the cracked stone pavement. The smell of rotten garbage wafts in through my nose. I almost gag, but think better of making myself sick and disgusting before anything had even happened. A slight breeze blows by, causing my brown hair to fly out in front of my face, causing my vision to blur. Annoyed, I tuck the loose strands of my ponytail behind my ears. Only then do I gasp when I see the familiar looking boy.

"Lexi," He started with a mischievous tone, "To be honest, I didn't think you'd show up, alone, or in fact, at all. Look at you."

Dawson looks me up and down; a cold shiver runs up my spine. He gives an eerie whistle that sounds through the alley, creating an even more eerie echo. I take a deep breath and blow it out slowly, seeing the little white puffs of hot air dawn, then dissolve, in front of me.

"I'm glad you came, Lexi." The name 'Lexi' still aggravates me, so I glare at Dawson coldly. He smirks and takes a step forward. I freeze. His eyes make contact with mine and he smirks, taking a few more steps forward. Just a meter away, so close. Too close, I think, as a shudder ripples through me.

I take a step back, but with my lousy luck, I stumble and fall back onto my hands and bottom. Shit!

His smirk widens into a large grin and I grimace. Dawson hovers, standing over top of me. His hand fumbles for something in his jeans, he pulls it out- a white cloth. I'm done. I'm so done. Finished. The end.

Word count: 556 Sorry this chapter is so short xl I don't even think I should apologize anymore, considering they're like, always frickin' short. *GoL* Anyways, I love you guys soooo much! I mean 700 reads!? It's ridiculous! I'm so close to 1000! Ahh I don't know what to do for it! Halp! Anyways, Vote, follow me, comment, and do all that goood stuff! Nobs 4 Lyf, Lovers 4Ever, Homies Unite, and; BAI!

*Original Stats: 👀170⭐5💬1*

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