A Decision Must Be Made

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*Aleks' POV*

I'm definitely taking back what I had said to Dawson, I think as I carry Alexis in my arms. He doesn't deserve the privilege of being beaten 'till he's in a hospital bed. He deserves being beaten 'till he's in a coffin, buried six feet under.

Actually, scratch the coffin. He'd be buried bleeding slowly to death, alone in a faraway place, where he can't disturb us again.

Wow. I have gotten much more violent than I last checked.

I lie Alexis down in the back of my car. She's still silently sobbing, as she drifts off to sleep.

I bring Alexis into the apartment and carry her straight into my bedroom. As we walk in, Puppy Chef scurries off of my bed, and goes outside.

"Good girl!" I whisper. She bows her head and leaves. I close the door lightly, pushing it with my foot.

I place Alexis down onto the bed and cover her body with the sheets. I peel off my shirt and grab my pajama pants from the dresser. I change my pants and quietly go into the living room, where I find Eddie petting the Puppy Chef in his lap. He's wearing a black hoodie, jeans, and a blue beanie, his beard a little scruffy. He turns around to face the source of the footsteps.

"Aleks! I've been so worried about Alexis and you! Is she okay?!" he asks, obviously panicking, and worry evident on his face.

"Yeah, yeah. She's just sleeping right now, that's all. And for me, well I'm fine," I say. Then I realize that he's alone, "did the others leave?" I ask, sitting down on the couch opposite from him, so we're face to face.

"Oh that's great! I'm just glad she stood up for herself. Otherwise who knows what would have happened," I shiver at his words, "and as for the guys, yeah. They went back to their apartment. They've gotta go early tomorrow."

"You didn't find tickets?"

He shook his head. "The homies are flipping shit about it. They thought I would come for sure." Though his words were sad, a smile was forming on his face.

"Hey, Aleks,"


"I'm allowed outside of the exhibition arena!" his smile grows wider.

Eddie, even in the darkest days, is a genius, but only when he has to be. Otherwise, he's an idiotic pain in my butt. That's what friendships are though, right? The partner provides you with enjoyment and caring, and in return, you deal with their shit.

"That's great! At least the homies, who are and aren't going, can meet you!" I say encouragingly. He ignores me, and starts frantically typing on his phone. A second later, I get a bzzzt from my pants' pocket. He tweeted his master plan.

A frown started forming on his face, while he scrolled down, reading the replies.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

"You," Eddie simply replies.

"Me!? What about me!"

"you're not going. The Nobs are upset."

Oh great. How will I explain my Alexis situation to them? I haven't even told the Nobs I'm in a relationship, again.

Last time I told them, they broke our relationship. They couldn't mind their own freaking business and so they sent so much shit to Tiffany. I'm not saying it was all of the Nobs, just the ones who made hate blogs and told her to kill herself and so much other crap. I hate thinking about it. I just can't let that happen to Alexis. She's just so fragile. Okay maybe not. Eddie had told me all about the incident while I was driving Alexis home. I mean, she sacked the guy! But still, she could break, and she's having such a tough time as it is.

"I can't go, Eddie."

"I know. I just think you should tell them why. I understand that you don't want anybody to harm Alexis again, but she's strong, Aleks! You have to let her prove herself. She already has once," he pauses, most likely for dramatic effect, "think about it."

"I will." I mutter, and I really will. I have to do what's right for Alexis, but also, what won't hurt her.

Eddie had insisted on playing Halo 4 since the first episode of the Creature Beard Competition. So, finally, I gave in. He really did need to get better. Secretly, everyone knew it was his fault we didn't win the first episode, and not-very-secretly, everyone knew it was his fault we didn't win episode 2 either. Being the good friend I am, I let it go.

I went back into my room. I had lied down for a couple hours and just thought everything over until my head starting mixing thoughts together in a blur.

I got back up and asked Eddie for insight on what I was planning to do.

He nodded in confirmation.

I have made my decision.

YAY! Also, congrats Xfoxgirl13X as this chapter is dedicated to YOU! You are an awesome fan and definitely encouraging me to keep the story up and running! So thanks! (I wish I could add two people to dedicate this to :( Anyway, psst faithers_XD, I'll name you in the next chapter, girly!) Anyway, this is probably my longest chapter yet. I hope you enjoyed reading it! By the way, this book is copyrighted, so don't even ;D Vote, follow me, leave feedback/suggestions/comments and all that awesomeness in le comments section! I <3 you, Nobs 4 Lyf, Homies Unite, and: BAI!

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