Shh, baby, nobody can hear you.

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I wake up with a slight pain on my wrists. I try to pick up my arm but I can't. I look down, but cannot see anything! There's a cloth over my eyes. I would remove it, but again, my wrists are tied down. Panic takes over me, and I squirm trying to get out, to no avail.

"HEEEELP ME! ALEEEKS! SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME!" I scream, but it comes out as a muffled sound. I realize that there's another cloth tied around my head, going into my mouth so I can't call for help.

"Shh baby, nobody can hear you." A strong voice cooed, echoing through the room. Shit, Dawson's here. I probably should have kept quiet. I feel a rough hand caress my cheek, instinctively my head jerks away. He makes a sound of annoyance, and takes the cloth out of my mouth.

"Do you know who I am, Lexi? Do you remember me?" Instead of answering him, I scream,

"HEEELP SOMEBODY HELP ME! ALEEE-" I get cut off by something hard coming in contact with my cheek. It was a hand, he slapped me. I whimper as the sting on my left cheek grows.


"Y-yes. I remember who you are." I answer in a low whisper.

"Now, was that so hard?" He asks me. I shake my head,

"ANSWER ME WHEN I TALK TO YOU!" He snaps. I take a deep breath,

"n-no." I feel his hands make their way to the knot on my blindfold. He fiddles with the knot, then un-does it. Dawson slowly pulls it away from my eyes. I open them, but get blinded by the sudden burst of light, even though it was dim. I let my eyes adjust to the light. When they do, I slowly tilt my head up to get a better view of Dawson-my kidnapper.

Word Count: 326 Hey guys, what's up? Sorry I haven't uploaded in a while. (2 Days, but it feels like a lot.) So anyway, I joined the drama-halloween haunted house club, aaaaand, I beat the game QWOP. Yep. So that's my life. Hoped you enjoyed this chapter, Nobs 4 Lyf, Lovers 4Ever, Homies Unite, and; BAI!

*Original Stats: 👀176⭐7💬2*

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