Olive Way and 8th Avenue

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*~Aleks' POV~*

Okay, where do I go now? I yawn and look out the fingerprinted window, then at the garbage at my feet. Wonder if Canada has garbage. I yawn again and frown, why am I yawning so much, the bus driver's going to look at me weird, hell, I'd look at myself weird if there was a mirror. Still frowning, I watch the bus driving slouch forward every now and then, then snap awake remembering that he's driving. What an idiot, he's going to get me killed.

"Sir, this is the last stop, please exit, and thanks for riding." The bus driver says tiredly. The bus stops at Olive Way and 8th avenue, conveniently one street up from where PAX Prime was held about a month ago. Wow, a whole month ago? I shake my head sadly; it feels like just days ago I was chasing after James in the convention center.

I was chasing after my shit date invite. I actually don't know what it was, just like a, girlfriend invite, whatever. I climb out of the bus and fast-walk to the Washington State Convention Center, just half a block away.

I make it there and look up at the orange tinted building. It looks eerie and huge. I turn around and sigh as I plop myself down on the curb. I watch the warm air come out of my mouth in a stream, and then evaporate into the cold around it. I get lost in my thoughts until a sudden voice makes me jump.

"Aleks?" I hear a dark chuckle, "I see you've made your decision?" he asks in the same husky tone.

I hear hard footsteps echo near me. I stand and clench my fists. I didn't want to do this.

Oh who am I kidding, I've wanted to do this since I met the douche-bag.

Word Count: 310 Published: Tuesday, October 15th, 2013/ 11:15 PM ~*Important Note!*~ I'll be having a character contest soon so be prepared for I'm going to add two more characters into the story! (One female and one male!) Sorry it's so short! I'll try to make the next one longer! Also sorry that I haven't updated for so long! School stuff, and writers block ugh! On another note, as of this moment in time I'm getting 99% In Humanities. There are two quizzes tomorrow though, hopefully they won't affect my mark so far! I'll try to update sooooon!Vote, comment, follow me, and all of that good stuff because I'll love you foreverr! <3 Nobs 4 Lyf, Lovers 4Ever, Homies Unite, and; BAI! <3

*Original Stats: 👀154⭐4💬1*

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