# Death-Wish Pair

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*Aleks' POV*

"Okay, one more thing." I mumble as I chew the last bite of my cheeseburger,

"Spill." Alexis says carelessly, as she swallows.

"Okay, so the Homies have been freaking out cause Sly didn't get tickets to PAX Dev or whatever. Anyway he came up with this plan where he'll have a meet-up outside of the exhibition," I say,

"continue," anticipates Alexis,

"well, Eddie schemed his plan on Twitter and almost everyone loved it. Everyone but the Nobs. Since they know I'm here, they want me to go with them. The problem with that was, we hadn't told the Nobs about our relationship. Now that we had, we could go, too. The only thing that remains is if you'd want to go." I finish.

It sounds like a pretty good proposal to me, and I'm pretty sure Alexis thinks so too because her eyes are lit up like Christmas.

*Alexis' POV*

Was he seriously asking!? I start blurting random happy nonsense at him. Stuff to do with how happy and pleased i'd be, and how much i'd love to meet other Nobs. Aleks grins his cute little crooked smile at me.

"Well, that's fucking awesome!" He says excitedly. Wait, what should I wear?

"Aleks?" I start, "Can I borrow your Nobs 4 Lyf hoodie?"


All three of us get ready to leave for 6pm. It's only 4:30 right now, but we're all just so anxious.

"Alexis? Where are you?" I hear Aleks call from deep inside the apartment,

"I'm in your butthole." I reply sarcastically,

"Haha, very funny. I see your Seamus hormones are still acting up." Aleks replies as he stumbles into the living room. My cheeks flame up in an instant. Aleks sees and grins at me.

"Your an-you are a-" hmm?

"You're such a nob." I finish, unable to keep from smiling.

"Well, you are too, aren't you?" He says. I notice how his Spooky-Craft T-Shirt reveals his tattoos, of that secrecy of meaning that he hides so often. A skeleton-astronaut in space. It's odd but I like the way it suits his personality. I don't know how, he just wouldn't be complete without his tattoos, I guess.

"Sure, sure." I reply half-heartedly. We both know that I was a die-hard fan girl before we met, and now that we're dating, I hadn't really had time to watch his content, though, I didn't really see the need to when he was standing right in front me. He's also wearing his video-famous khaki pants. They actually used to annoy me because he'd wear them in all of his videos, but now they just seemed like an un-spoken inside joke. Yes, I still have immortalhd fangirliness inside of me. Like, I still have the un-spoken inside jokes that even he'd probably forgotten while I think of them as a sub-concious reminder every now and then, a memory of one of his old videos, perhaps.

"Hey, the video of us is going up in, three, two, one, there it goes. -Woah, thes already ten views." He frowns. This is going to be popular. Hopefully in the good way.

He seems to say something that relieves me. 'There are thirteen likes and no dislikes. Twenty views. Pretty crazy.I've never had a video have this much stuff going on before." He says.

"The fan girls probably haven't gotten to watch it yet." I groan. Once there are fan girls, there is trouble.

"Hey, don't worry about it. we'all ignore them, but still be nice because otherwise we won't be able to buy dinner." He says, while taking a swig at his Pepsi Max. "You want some?" He offers,

"Nah, I've never had it but I want to save my tasting for a special moment." I conclude,

"is this not special enough?" He oaks, fake disappointment hiding his undercover amusement.

"Every moment is special with you." I reply in a damsel-in-distress voice. I stick my tongue out at him. He quickly grabs it and holds it out of my mouth.

"Aleeeeeks!" I wail as he laughs. He let's go.

"We'd better get going." Aleks says, suddenly all-buisness.

"Goddammit." I state, he smirks and takes my hand, leading us to the front door.

"Sly! Hurry the fuck up!" Aleks yells as he pulls open the apartment door. I see sly running up the hallway, wearing his exclusive fox hoodie, black jeans, and a pikachu hat and backpack.

I smile at him and gesture for him to move along. I quickly get pulled by my arm, snapping around to see that Aleks was running, pulling me behind him. I giggle like crazy and chase after him, mostly because I didn't want to let go of his hand.

"Wait for me!" Eddie yells from behind us, I turn around to see him struggling to lockthe door, he gets it and takes off, full on sprinting after us. I jump into the elevator behind aleks just as the sliding doors rumble to a close. Eddie standing just outside.

"You fucks!" He yells, I only hear it distantly as my heart pounding reaches my ears in a mass collaboration of thumps and beats.


I gasp, trying to catch my breath as Aleks, laughing, pulls me up and around his body so I'm at his back side.

"Jump on!" He says, his voice still raggedy from running so much. I do as he says, not having enough breath to object. He carries me out the front door of the apartment, the bell-lady eyeing us suspiciously,but losing her gaze to the arriving elevator.

"Im gonna get you!" I hear a high-pitched squeal, before two feet thunder across the laminated floor.

I giggle like an idiot as Aleks speeds away, me bouncing on his back as he makes his way to the parking lot. He stops abruptly, consequences being me almost falling off his back. He half-gasps, half-chuckles,as he lowers me to the pavement in front of Eddie's car. Eddie's shoes squeak to a stop. He doubles over sucking in huge breaths.

"Okay-we-we should-go." Eddie says in between breaths. We all laugh and climb into the car.

"Hey, hey Aleks, hey, Aleks, hey,". I start, annoyingly.

"What?" He asks, no trace of annoyance in his steady voice.

"Imagine this is an airplane..." Oh I'm such a butt, I giggle and continue, "and it's about to crash." Sly laughs, Aleks? Not so much.

"Goddammit Sly. You two are a perfect death-wish pair." He groans. Eddie claps his hands together like a seal,

"TO THE HOMIES!" He screams! He turns to look at Aleks,

"AND THE NOBS!" He finishes.

"Let's GO ALREADY!" I yell.

With that, Eddie revs his engine, and we screech towards the so-called exhibition hall, Froggy Fresh blasted the whole way there.

Hey guys! So I wrote this on a tablet which is why there are so many freaking grammatical errors. Ugh. Sorry! Windows keeps failing to start on my laptop so there's that. I hope this is a long chapter. I don't really know cause I'm writing this on wattpad so yeah. Can't see the word count :( oh well. I hope you enjoyed. Vote, follow me, comment/leave suggestions and whatever in the comments boxifyou want to! Nobs 4 Lyf, Homes Unite and;BAI!

*Original Stats: 👀190⭐4💬0*

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