Reporters And Revealings (300 Special!)

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Word Count: 885 (Not including Authors Note.)

Hey guys! I hope that you'll enjoy this chapter! I think it's really freaking long! Anyway, just tell you previously I guess, Nobs 4 Lyf, and Homies Unite. Vote, Follow Me, and comment/leave suggestions! GAIS! IM CRYING. POKEMON DAILY IS OVERRR. GAIS POKEMON DAILY QUOTE FORM IMMORTALS POV AT THE END OF THIS CHAPTER :''( Also, Bby's THANK YOU GUYS SOOOO MUCH FOR 300 HUNDRED READS! I LOVE YOU ALL AND HONESTLY THOUGHT I'D ONLY GET LIKE 1 READ (THAT FROM MYSELF, TOO) THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH I LOVE YOUR GUTTSS!!!!

*Ding Dong*

"FOODS HERE!"Eddie screams, and then takes off to the front door. Opening the door, he reveals the takeout guy. "Hey, dude! What's up?" Eddie asks politely as he takes out the money from his back pocket.

"Nothing much," he starts, then frowns; "well actually, there were some cops and news reporters outside of your apartment. Weird, they were talking about some guy that had trapped a screaming girl in his car the other night,"

Eddie hands him the money, "anyway, thanks for the tip bro! The name's Carl!" Eddie smiles forcefully, a smile only people close to him could tell that it was, in fact, fake,

"Eddie." They shook hands and the guy, Carl, left. Eddie quickly closes the door behind him and turns around to face us.

"Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit-"Aleks kept muttering beside me. Was it only me that wasn't afraid or anxious? I guess. I just feel safer knowing that there are police around, just trying to find Dawson. I mean, I kind of let him slide off of my happiness radar just a little for this morning, and what seemed like to be this morning only. I can't believe the shittiness of life has already caught up to me from yesterday.

Well anyway, even though there are cops, I definitely do not want to get into that everyday business. I just want to live my life and not take a year of stress to get a goddamn restraining order. Especially since I doubt they'd even find him. Asshole Dawson, out to get me, and out to ruin my life.

I still wonder how the heck he knew me. I'm sure he did, since I always had a little whiff of recognition lurking around every time I had seen him. Could he have been the guy with the gun that Eddie had saved me from? Probably, but even then, that really won't help much of the cause of finding out who he is, and what he has against me. Dawson probably isn't even his real name. As for the reporters, I'm sure they're just little pesky flies that hide in your favorite, rainbow ice-cream, then when you open it, half of them are dead, and the other half have turned into vampires, needing blood (In this case, more juicy information.) on what happened.

For the ones still dead in the ice-cream, they pretty much just ruined your life because you can never eat that ice-cream flavor again or you're going to puke.

"Aleks, babe, calm down. We won't let them know we're here. We can sneak out the back exit or something." I coo as I hold him tightly. He holds me even tighter as if I'm the one who needs help. Even though I am, I'm not exactly panting like the cute boy beside me. He turns my head to face him. Our eyes just centimeters apart.

I see my reflection in his beautiful, chocolate-brown eyes. The way his nose crooks to one side, and even though he doesn't like it, I do. I finally notice his lips, as well as mine, slowly moving towards each others. Both of our eyes close and I feel the electricity between us, how perfectly my mouth fits into his, how my small hand cozily rests in the palm of his, and how our bodies lazily meld together, frozen in the shock of the passion that had snuck up on the calm romance.

After a moment, we pull away, both of us not satisfied, but taking circumstance into the presence of Eddie, standing a couple meters away.

"Done?" I see Aleks' cheeks flame up.

"Sorry."He mutters, a smirk playing on the corners of his mouth.

"Okay, good. Now let's get down to business, "Eddie directs, "to defeat, the Huns." Eddie and I giggle, while Aleks chuckles.

"Okay let's get to the point. Aleks, you ready to tell Alexis something?" Eddie asks directly towards Aleks, they both smirk, using their friend language to communicate with each other, Eddie nods and goes to his room, leaving Aleks and I alone together.

"Um-Okay, so Alexis, Eddie was telling me how he obviously couldn't get tickets to PAX Dev I think it was, but many of his Homies were pretty upset about it. Anyway, so what happened was, he figured he'll have a meet-up with them outside,"

I interrupt, "That's awesome!"

"No, let me finish," I nod, my eyebrows crease together, "so, Eddie tweeted the meet-up to his fans, and well, they want me to go too. But don't worry, if you don't feel up to going that's completely fine. I know that that's going to be hard on you and ever-"

"ALEKS STOP!" I am so surprised! I would love to meet fellow Nobs! It would be a dream come true!

He frowns, "Why...?"

"ALEKS! I WOULD LOVE TO GO!" I scream in his face. At first he looks completely taken aback, but then he runs his hand through his wavy mess of brown curls and smiles, the worry almost disappearing from his face. Almost.

"But there's, um, one more thing," Aleks starts, sighing.

"What is it?" I ask as worry starts to spread its way across my face.

"We have an insy-minsey, tiny-miney thing to tell the Nobs..."

Oh, I know where this is going.

So it's finally over

Can't say I'm surprised

Although, I didn't think I'd end up like this

But every chapter must come to a close.


-Pokemon Daily-

*Original Stats: 👀206⭐6💬0*

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