Babe, what's wrong?

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*Alexis' POV*

What was taking him so long?

It's finally the day that I get to leave. This morning I showered, changed my clothes, got ready and everything. It's been five hours since I've been ready to leave, but Dawson just won't let me go yet. 'We have to double-check all of the x-rays we did on you, and see if you're still okay to move around and stuff.' Dawson had said. Yeah, that's what they all say.

It's pretty obvious that Dawson likes me. I don't want to say that I do too, although, there is a small twinge of attraction secretly hiding in the crevices of my heart. Not that I want that. It's just, he's so persistent! Oh dear, what have you gotten yourself into, Alexis?

The door creaks open.

"Hey Lexi, are you in here?" Dawson asks.

I hate when people call me 'Lexi'.

"My name is 'Alexis'" I reply, aggravated.

"I'll take that as a yes." Dawson replies mildly, which only makes me angrier. He seems to notice.

"Sorry, Alexis," he annunciated it sarcastically, "do you wanna go home, or not?". Was he for real?

"Nooooo. I obviously have been waiting here for six hours just so my hair could settle for a FaceBook selfie." I roll my eyes at him and make my way for the door.

"Drama queen" he mutters under his breath. I smile.

I slow down for Dawson to take the lead. He's driving me home, and I don't know which car was his.

I didn't ask Aleks to pick me up for one reason, and one reason only: He would've punched in Dawson's face because he didn't let me leave for so long.

I follow Dawson to his car around the side of the hospital. He clicks the unlock button on his keys and I immediately see which car is his. He owns a classy, silver, Chevrolet Corvette with black tinted windows. I gape at the beauty within a car. It probably costs thousands of dollars.

Well, that's what he wants you to think, Alexis, my mind says. I quickly close my mouth and walk to the back doors. I'd rather sit in the back than sit next to Dawson. He starts driving on the main road.

"Like my ride, huh." He responds to my shock with a smirk.

"You can ride it all you want. Just one simple condition-" he starts,"No." I reply. Why should I even bother? I'm with Aleks. I should not have to hear this.

"Well if that's the way you feel." He replies to my interruption, with a grunt. He grips tighter on the steering wheel, the veins showing on his wrists.

That's not exactly how I felt. But that was yesterday. Today, he's being a complete dick-wagon.

"Do you even know where I live?" I ask, in response to the several wrong turns he'd made in one minute.

"No need." He responds.

"That doesn't even make sense, where are you taking me?!" I say, a bit louder than my regular voice.

What the hell does this guy have in mind? My brain starts showing me all the negative turnouts that could happen, and I will myself to stay calm. It doesn't work.

"Don't worry, babe. I've got it all figured out." he calmly says. He then purses his lips together in to a tight-lined smile.

"DON'T CALL ME 'BABE'!" I scream at him, while whipping toward my door. I pull the handle a couple times. Nothing happens. I yank at it with all the force I have-"Easy, babe, don't break it. It's not going to open." He says, obviously smug.

With the little vision I had through the tinted glass, I could see that we had stopped in about the darkest and most deserted alley I had ever seen. I know where this is going. I rip out my phone and start dialing Aleks' cell...

"Not so fast, girly." And he plucks the phone out of my hand, clutches it in his palm and-Crunch. "BITCH!" I scream at him. In a second he's on top of me. Knees on my thighs, Hands on my arms, face centimeters from mine.

He chuckles, and smiles a devilish smile.

"This is going to be fun."

What do you think of Dawson? Tell me in the comments! Well, I wrote a long chapter to make up for the shorter ones this week. Anyway I'm sure that it made up for everything wrong I've done, ever. Are you dying right now? I was dying while writing this xD Anywho, vote, follow me, leave feedback/suggestions/comments and all that good stuff in le comments section. Bless your face, and if you sneezed while reading this, bless you. Nobs 4 Lyf, I <3 You All, and; BAI!

*Original Stats: 👀229⭐5💬1*

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