The Game

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They were beautiful, my children. Only a few weeks old and already they had the ability of independent movement. Their tiny bodies were beautiful. Still full of baby fat, their bodies and brains were growing quickly. They still looked very much the human toddler, but they could walk, run and climb with agility and ease. Four more of us to live, to build a future upon. We only had to survive what was coming next.

I laughed as Lara swung up onto the light fixture overhead, her brother Braden giggling with childish laughter at her antics. His tail held in his hands, like another child's blankie might have been. Zane had taken Ella and Daniel with him. They were running in the sunlight, their fur and hair already shifting and adjusting to the daylight sun. Lara and Braden had slept in, late nighters they'd become. They to would need to go out soon, stretching their young limbs and building strong healthy muscles. They were faster, quicker and stronger. They were the best of the both of us.

Soon Ash would be joining in. His time was drawing near, no one knew as of yet, how he was to deliver the young. It was such a confusion. Would a C-section even be possible? We would know soon enough, he was already bigger than I had been. I smiled. It was so strange, this world that we had awoken in.

© 2014, Aelfwynn MacGregor, AMB

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