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He put his arms around. A flushing heat that encompassed every aspect of my lean build. I liked the rush the feel of pleasure that shifted from within to spread outward. Putting all of my senses on high gear. The beauty of the heated rush as it caused swirling tingles of heat that only excited me more, the further it spread.

"We need to be careful." I whispered.  "Have we moved far enough away from the city?"

"There is no danger here." He said. "We are safe for awhile."

His breath in my ear, caused the heat to rise only hotter. "I love you. " I breathed deeply.

He growled in a response before twisting me around to face him. "I love you too Ash." He whispered on a growl before making me feel his heat, his power.

Copyright 2014, Aelfwynn MacGregor,  AMB

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