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The battle lines were drawn, half of us were placed on the parameter, while the rest stood our ground. We would need to lead the creature and his minions away from our home. If we were to engage, it needed to be away from the safety of the compound and on our terms. We needed to keep the compound invisible and keep it safe. Those on the parameter, would have to clean up any stragglers that were found. Those here, were majorly like me, thin, lithe, able to move quickly and quietly.

Our area was strategically placed. The creek that ran along the backside of the compound was the place that we would stand ground and offer opposition. We needed to get them to continue heading northeast and away. Lead them into a trap. The howls were right at our boarder now. I scented the air and smelt nothing, nothing but the fresh crisp of chill of winter that had made its mark.

Larien and Zane moved ahead, it was agreed as they were larger and stronger. Three others joined them, all male. It was their job to engage the Creature Zombie. By getting it to move, we hoped the horde would continue to follow suit. The earth rumbled and shook with the zombies progression. We could feel them moving into position as much as sense them. Our fur, soft and supple, stood on end to alert us to the close proximity of the danger. I know that there was quite a few dozen that traveled with the abomination, but according to the scouts, a thousand more followed closely on their heels. The Stronghold was a beacon of fear and adrenaline, leading them to our doors.

Phase I of our plan was preparing to take place, another hour at most and all were in position, at the ready. The zombies would have no clue what had happened, I only hoped the same could be said of the creature? Who knew what kind of higher mental reasoning's it might have? We would wait and see. That was all we could do at this point. Have faith in a plan that bordered on suicide itself. So many lives, so many souls rested in our hands, we could not fail them now!


All rations passed out, all children hunkered down with adults, preparing to fall into a deep, senseless slumber. Agitation ran through the adult crowds, parents kissing foreheads as they lay down snug, hugging their children tightly to their breasts. Not everyone agreed to this plan, but at this time, there was no other choices. These were the final moments, those moments when one holds their breath and everything is determined by what happens next.

Bodies crouched from our advantage, the brush offering us multiple places to hide. I saw Zane move closer, and another Gregory, did the same. We watched as zombies crossed fields, as they staggered and slowed, like trying to place a scent that had suddenly gone cold. They moved outward at first, drifting closer to the Stronghold, but only because this was where their last scent had come from. They became agitated more so, scenting back and forth. Pushing and shoving at each other as their progress dwindled to nothing. That's when the creature strode forth.

Big, huge. All other words just seemed to fall short. It toppled over us, muscle and sinew that looked like it had been etched into stone and brought to life. Though it was so apparently zombie, its skin held a fur, much like our own, but a thick, coarse and springily type. It sniffed the air, but it also stooped its body down low and used its tongue to trace over leaves, grass and earth. At first it was confusing...until I realized it was using other senses to search out humans for prey!  As the Creature reached the stream, it leap the ravine in one fluid motion, like it was nothing. Zane and Gregory at its feet. Quickly I swung into action, alerting the others to this new play.  There was no time for delay, we needed to get this Creature out of commission before any additional zombies arrived, or the humans had no chance.

It growled, so inhumanly, drool dripped from fangs that were 3 inches high. How had this ever been human? It swiped out with its claws, ragged nails that were broken and uneven. Zane moved quickly, but received a swipe that sent him flying. While Gregory...using the diversion, jumped at the creature, bringing his teeth down tight on its neck. You could see the blood spurt as he bit deeply. But the creature swatted him like he was a fly, we could all hear the crunch of bones, as Gregory was thrown through the air. The falling thud was sickening, and he did not move. The first causality that we have faced.

Zane countered again, landing on the creatures back, this time, Larien moved in and took swipes at the legs of the beast, deep furrows could be seen. With Zane doing the same all along the neck and spinal area of the beast. He somersaulted off to avoid retaliation. We had its attention now, it roared louder as it made to follow the lead that Zane created. I watched as several others began engaging the regular zombies that breached the ravine now. Our plan was succeeding so far, we had to make it.

Time moved slow as the slaughter continued. It felt like an eternity to get the creature moving along another path, each group taking a turn in engaging the beast. But we where making headway... When I felt, felt the hot tingle of fear as it scented the air... "No!" I screamed. The scent came back from the way we'd come. And the creature knew, knew there was something waiting there.

It turned with a vengeance...


Ash walked the compound, he could feel it, the fear...it was weak, so it was not many that had awakened, but it was enough that he knew the creature would scent it. Destruction would come directly to their door if he was not able to find the human quickly.

He scented the air, feeling the scent get stronger as he drew closer to a row of houses on the southern side of the compound, outside of the main interior. Moving quickly, but quietly he made his way through the first two houses, all the occupants sound asleep. He entered the third house and the scent went through the roof. As he moved, he stumbled, grabbing at his middle, he felt a sharp pain, deep and intense and felt the life within him tremble. "Not now!" He said as he continued onward.

Ash saw the relief on her face, saw her understanding that she was not alone, waiting here for something that was coming. Immediately, the atmosphere around her changed, the adrenaline scent decreased in high doses. He reached out a hand, to pull her up, when the crippling pain hit again, and Ash felt the young inside of himself, shift and fight back against the tightening. "No?" He thought again. as his knees gave out underneath him and the girl that he sought to rescue, caught him instead.

Copyright 2016 Aelfwynn MacGregor, AMB

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