A New Way

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We'd marched through the night, hidden and started over the next night, and the next. Travel back to safety was so much more with so many. And the new ones, those that had joined us. They were not alone either.

Alot had changed in the time that we'd been gone. The Stronghold had transformed, reinforced. It really was becoming a fortress. And crops, they were creeping and thriving. Food in its youth and burgeoning to develop into a staple for survival. An engineer had joined us, his influence could be seen in the buildings making their way up and around the stronghold. There was so many resources to take advantage of now. We recycled from the homes around us, pulled from the surrounding towns and warehouses.

But the greatest change was in discovering that we were not alone. The others, they were us, but different, unique in their own rights. Stronger, bulkier. They had more strength than even us. Another form of us, still feline, still evolution, but stronger. We however, were still more agile, more graceful. We each perfectly made up for what the other lacked. A perfect blend of two. There was Zane, Larien, Abby and Raine. Four of them and the five of us.

Zane, he was mine. Abby and Raine made another couple. We joined together and created  a larger and more stronger family structure. The emotions were strong, intense. It seemed, another part of our change. Mates. No questions.

We are fighting, everyday. We are watching. The zombies are so numerous, so lethal. And I sit here waiting. Waiting for Ash and Larien to return. They'd been out for weeks. Taking the scouts further and further out to search for survivors and for what else is out there.

I felt the heat prickle. Felt the hair on my neck come on end as he approached. He was mine as much as I was his. So much had changed. I felt my breath hitch and hold, felt as his arms came around me.

© 2014, Aelfwynn MacGregor, AMB

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