Sometime after Day 90

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The screams were horrifying! I remembered what that was. High pitched, broken, not in unison, but altogether in their fear. It was a feeding frenzy, contained with the recesses of the abandoned football stadium. So many people trapped. Backing themselves in with nowhere to go.

The fear, the smell was rancid, disturbing. It filled my nostrils and blocked out all other sensations. This is what is must be like for the Zombies, only in reverse. They reveled in it. The blood covering their skin as they licked away at any of it that sat on their already stenched bodies.

The Zombies gorged. People whole, and in parts flying around the blood soaked field, in their glee filled blood-lust. It looked like a butcher shop that had gone all wrong! The children were in the back, pushed as far as they could go. I could see infants, held tight in the arm of middle aged children. Adults standing in front, holding a amazing arsenal of instruments to fight back at what they could, like sentinels in the front.

You'd have though they would have learned by now to fear the daylight. To hide until the safety of the darkest of night. To set by their own nature, to determined to do it their own ways. It cost them! It cost them dearly.

We moved in. We were outnumbered, easily 10 to 1 odds. But we did not feel fear. We just calculated, finessed and attacked. We sniffed the air again. There were no other zombies close by, other than those right here in front of us.

We rushed in. It was a slashing frenzy. The new nails made our initial attack very organizing and successful. Slashing through the tender meat of the neck, rip at the back of the spinal cord and snap and crunch at the base of the skull. Those that put us down, we severed the tender ligaments at the back of the knee and they went down stealthy, then break their neck. It was like a surgeon on a high!

A third of them went down before the others turned to acknowledge our presence. As they rushed us for the true hand to hand combat, the standing adults and a few of the teenagers rushed back into the fight. Following our lead, they used their weapons to break through sinew and tendons at the necks of the Zombies. We shoved forward, they pulsed back. Now it was the Zombies boxed in. I smiled in delight, they would get what they deserved.

As they were winding down, a larger than normal Zombie pulled back his massive jaw and released a ear splitting scream that hit a pitch of destruction! This was new. I looked around quickly, my father and Ash moving in to make the final kill. Could he be calling for reinforcements we had overlooked? As I scanned at our backs, the three of them were able to finish off what was left with the assistance of the remaining humans.

It was my own shocked pitch that had them all turning in unison to their backsides. Standing ready to attack as we watched as others approached...others like us. There was four of them. I could smell them as they approached, three male and one female. I felt the hackles on the back of my neck raise. One of them was giving of a scent that was...irresistible. I sniffed again, and the blood surged through my veins. Every single fiber of my being coming alive on a new level. I retained my attack position, but this time, for another reason entirely.

© 2014, Aelfwynn MacGregor, AMB

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