Day 5

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It burned, like liquid fire was coursing through my veins. The beads of sweat poured out through my pores. Everything was a haze when I looked out around me. Ribbons of white the blocked out my peripheral vision. I had to actually move my head to see to my sides and when I did, an explosion of pain rocked through my head. Like I'd been beaten with a bat and left for dead.

My sister was no better, I could see the tears that streamed down my mothers face, as she rocked Sasha back and forth in her arms. Mom was sick too, but she took care of us first. Sasha was pale. Barely moving. I might have thought her dead, if I didn't know for a fact, that my mother literally had her anchored to this world with her determination alone.

I tried to speak, but everything was parched! I was fire. Mom looked at me. She nodded and rolled a bottle of water my way. She was too weak to stand herself, but she held onto Sasha with a death grip. I knew that if Sasha did not make it, Mom would pull her back from the grips of Death with her very soul.

I drank in the water. It was like Heaven. But the relief did not last long. I took another drink and said one word,..."Dad?"

She shook her head no. They still were not back.

© 2014, Aelfwynn MacGregor, AMB

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