Day 10: Finally

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Waking up on the floor was disconcerning. Hell. I remembered bits and peices of Hell. Shaking my head, I pulled myself up out of my stupor. It was dark. Yet I could see as if a light was on in the room. I was thirsty. It clawed at me and through me, making it feel like it had been days since I'd had the taste of water. Next I heard the sound of snoring. Looking back to the bed, I could see Ash, sound alseep. Yet, it couldn't be Ash. The person in the bed wasn't right. Person...? Whoever lay in that bed had the characteristics of Ash, but this...person, was taller, leaner. Reaching closer, I pulled back. It had to be Ash, but the features were more feline.

Closing my eyes, rubbing my head and looking back again. I had to still be unconscious. I even pinched myself, but no, I was awake. Glancing to the side, noticing a mirror on the way. Shaking as I drew closer, I had to know. Shock...blantant, unforgiving shock worked its way through my being. I was just as strange, just as different as my son. So alien, so different. Hands tracing my features, still looking for the trick, for the scam. But it was real, I was real.

Moving to the bed, shaking Ash awake. There was no shock in his expression at seeing me like this?

"I've been awake longer than you have." Ash said. Reading my thoughts.

"How long have we been here?" I asked.

"I'm not sure. I woke up before it got dark. I saw you, but I haven't seen anyone else. There has been no one to answer my questions. I heard movement outside the door, but no one would answer me. I saw you...and I freaked. But then I realized I am just as weird. So I waited for you?" Ash finished.

"We're leaving."

"How, the door is locked?"

Walking over, the door splintered under one kick of my foot. Ash looked shocked, then smiled..."Cool!"

We heard noise, then Mrs. Jaspen appeared in the hallway. Her hair was frazzled, her eyes slightly crazed. "Get out. Monsters. Get out..." Her words ending there.

I leaned forward, a quick right jab and she lay on the floor unconscious. "That was for locking up Ash, and for hitting me on the head." I started to walk off, before turning back around. "Sorry for smashing your flowers." Shaking my head, we walked off. There was no sight of Jason, so we left, and headed for home.

© 2014, Aelfwynn MacGregor, AMB

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