...Apparently it is Everything!

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She moved like she fought the dead! Zane guarding her side to keep her from falling off of the landing. Two full nights she had fallen into a deep sleep. But it was a restless, violent one. She moaned and cried out. And Zane realized that he was afraid. He had no idea what to do. His evolved brain was not programmed for this. There was no fear for them now. So he guarded her in the daylight hours and held her as close and as best he could in the night. Fighting through the blaze of day as her moans drew the attention of the monsters.

Finally as the sun set on the third night, she awoke. Her eyes were glazed, but her attention was strong. She sat up, rubbing her hands through her sleep curled hair.

"You're awake!?!" He cried out with relief.

"Yes, I feel...actually, I feel so much better." I stood up to yawn, to stretch. Filling my lungs with rich gulps of oxygen. And as I stretched, the pouch of my stomach extended outward. His look of shock was strong, inflamed.

"I know why  I have been so sick," I said as I caressed the mound, "we have young on the way."

His world literally crashed to a stand still, and collided with the news as his brain caught up! The shock coursed through his system, a multitude of ice cold rivers, running through the length of this veins. A baby. He'd never even considered the possibility. But as it washed through him again, a heat coursed through him, awaking all of his senses at once. A heat and possessiveness coursed through his veins now. He moved at lightening speed as he gripped her upwards and into his arms, "MINE!" He said with the dominance of a lion, staking his claim.

I laughed. My laughter ringing out over the night air. "Yes yours."

He kissed me, so sharp, so feral. It was amazing, power, addictive. And I laughed more as he let me go.

"We need to go back home now. Everything has changed." He said it with force, with a type of persuasion that one did not question, that one bowed down to, in agreement and surrender.

I shifted. My nose scented to an aroma that I could not resist. "NO!" I said it with finality, a growl finishing up the wake of the single word. "I scent Ash." And I leap from the landing, to the forty feet below. Landing like a lioness on the prowl and in all her glory. I was gone. Zane not more than a hesitation behind me.

©2014, Aelfwynn MacGregor, AMB

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