Chapter 31

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"Daddy, look what I drew!" Darcy said in an excited tone and held out a paper. She had a big smile on her face as I grabbed it out of her hand.

The drawing was of three people. Amy was to the right, I was to the left, and Darcy were in the middle of us. Amy and I were holding Darcy's hands and we were all smiling. The sun was shining in the drawing, and the grass was green.

"It's beautiful, Darcy. You have talent." I said and knelt down her. I poked her nose causing her to giggle and put her head in her hands.

"You can have it!" She said.

"Well, thank you very much, princess. I love it." I said and smiled at her. She smiled even brighter and ran into my arms. I love having my little daughter in my arms. She means so much to me, but it somehow sting a little bit seeing her. She reminds me so much of Amy, and it just hurst so much knowing that she's gone now. Who knows if I'll ever see her again..

"Will mommy ever come back?" Darcy asked. I was still kneeling down on the floor and she was still in my arms. "I miss mommy.."

"I miss her too, Darcy.." I told her. "But I don't think she will come back.. I hurt her pretty bad, and I really wish I could've made her stay."

"I wish that too.." She agreed. I sat down with my butt on the floor and placed Darcy in my lap.I pulled out my phone and opened the camera. I snapped a photo of Darcy while she was't looking, but she quickly looked back at me when she heard the sound. "Don't take pictures of me!"

"I wasn't, I swear!" I said. "I was just... testing the button." I said. Darcy just laughed at me and then took my phone out of my hands. She got out of my lap and ran off with it.

"I got your phone!" She shouted while she was running with it. I got up from the floor when she suddenly stopped running. She tapped on my phone and then sat down on the floor again. What is she doing?

"What are you doing, princess?" I asked her, but she didn't reply. I walked over to her and sat down next to her. I looked over her tiny shoulder to see that she was going through my pictures. Well shit..

"Who's that?" She asked when she stopped at a photo of me and Greg. We were both doing a silly face, so it's not weird she didn't recognize me.

"That's me and your uncle." I replied. She continued scrolling to my pictures and stopped at an old photo of me and Amy. It was taken just before we broke up. She was on my back, and we were looking at each other with big smile on our faces.

Yes, I had another phone back then, but I got it transferred from phone to phone all the time. I sure as hell didn't want to lose that picture. It's one of my favroites of us.

"That looks like mommy.." Darcy said quietly and started scrolling again.

"It is your mommy.." I replied. Darcy started sniffing, so I picked her up and sat her down on my bed. "Do you miss mommy?"

"Yes.." She replied and wiped a tear. She had put my phone next to her. "I want mommy.." More tears came running down her cheeks, and it broke my heart to see her cry.

"Shh, don't cry, princess.." I said and put her in my lap while hugging her. "We can do this, me and you.."

"But I said I want mommy!"

"I can't get your mommy for you.." I told her. "I don't know where she is, and I don't know where to look either.." Darcy just kept crying, and I really didn't know how to soothe her. "Darcy.. Please don't cry. It breaks me to see you like this.." She didn't say anything, though. "What if we get you to sleep, and then we can have a daddy-daughter day tomorrow?" She still didn't say anything, but I felt her nod against my chest. "Let's go get you ready for bed.."


"Thank you for letting me stay with you." I told aunt Stina as my flight was about to leave. "I really appreciate it."

"It wasn't that much of a big deal." She said. "You were having a tough time.. Plus, you're always welcome here. I love having you here, and it's been so long since last time."

"I know.. I should visit more often." I said.

"Yeah, you should." She said. She smiled at me, and I smiled back. The voice in the speaker told the passengers to start boarding the plane, so I grabbed my things.

"I'll miss you."

"I'll miss you too." She replied and gave me a hug. We pulled away and she said, "Have a good flight home. Bye!"


I walked up the driveway to my mum's house and knocked on the door. Mum still didn't know what has happened today, but I don't think she will be pleased about it. She will get mad at Niall for hurting me, or mad at me for leaving Darcy behind.

"Amy, are you home already? I thought you were gonna be in London a little longer!" Mum said as she opened the door.

"I was, but.. Can we talk about it inside?" I asked. I was fighting the urge to cry. Crying now wouldn't be the best for me. I have to get over Niall. Not cry over him.

"Of course, we can." Mum replied. She held the door open for me as I carried my bags inside. "Did Niall do something to you?"

"Why are you asking?"

"Because you're home early, you're coming here instead of your own house, and Darcy isn't here. Anything you wanna tell me?" She replied. "You know you can tell me anything, right?"

"Well.." I started to tell her exactly what I told aunt Stina. About how Niall cheated, slapped me, tried to make me forgive him and how I let Darcy stay with her father.

"He cheated on you?!" I heard a familial voice yell. He stormed into the kitchen with an angry look on his face.

"Yeah, he did.." I replied while wiping a few tears of my face. I was trying to hold them in, but it just wouldn't work. He meant so much to me, and he still do, so I just can't get over him.

"That douchebag is gonna get a round with my fist if he dares come near you ever again." He growled.

"Taylor, that's enough. She's having a tough time, so please don't be so angry. She needs comfort, not you being angry at her now ex-fiance." Mum said.

"Please don't say that.." I told her. "I don't like hearing that word anymore.."

"What word? Fiance?" Taylor asked.

"I said I didn't want to hear the word!"

"Whoops, sorry." He said and held his hands up in surrender. I couldn't help but laugh a little at him. "Look, I made her smile! I made her smile!"

"Yeah, because you are acting stupid."

"I am not acting stupid." He protested. "I am just being very very funny!"

"Sure, whatever you say.."


picture of darcy's drawing on the side !!

sorry for spelling mistakes as always !

- sarah xx

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