Chapter 1

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"I'm taking Darcy to the park so she can play, wanna come along?" I asked Tahlia, my bestfriend.

"I can't. I have a date with Alex in 2 hours and I need time to get ready." She replied. Alex is her rude-as-fuck boyfriend. He's rude towards both me and Darcy. He makes her cry by what he says. Why can't he understand she's only two?

"When are you gonna dump him? Haven't you seen how he treats Darcy and me?"

"He's a great guy, Amy. You just don't see it." She replied.

"He isn't a great guy! He makes Darcy cry!" I said.

"You're just jealous because I have a boyfriend and you don't." Tahlia said. I shook my head. "It's been almost 3 years. You need a boyfriend."

"No, I don't." I said and crossed my arms. "I don't feel like having one."

"You still aren't over Niall?" She said. "He broke up with you 3 years ago, and you said it yourself that he hurt you like badly."

"He didn't hurt me because he broke up with me, Tahlia." I said. "I got hurt by what he said in that interview a few days after we broke up."


"Amy, they're talking about you in Niall's interview!" My older brother, Jason, shouted. I wanted to know what they said, so I hurried downstairs.

"So, what's the reason you and Amy broke up?" The interview asked him.

"I found her cheating on me. She was in bed with some random dude when I came back from rehearsals." He replied. Jason quickly turned his head to look at me.

"Is that true?" He asked. I shook my head.

"I never did that." I replied. "He's lying."

"Must have been hard for you." The interviewer told Niall.

"Yeah, it was." He said. "I really thought she loved me, but I guess she was just faking it.. You think you know people, but then they go behind your back and do.. stuff."

By now I had tears streaming down my face. Jason wrapped his arms around me and hugged me close. "You okay?"

"No, I'm not." I cried. "How can he do this to me? He's making everybody hate me!"

"I won't let that happen, Amy. I'm gonna protect you from the haters."

"Thanks, Jason." I said and smiled.

"What do you have older brothers for?"


Ever since then, I would break down crying if I just heard him sing. His voice used to calm me down, not it just makes everything worse. He still means a lot to me, but I bet he doesn't care about me anymore. And if he did, then I don't think I would forgive him.

"I know.. What he said on that interview was bad." Tahlia said. "I'm so gonna beat the crap out of him if I meet him."

"Then there's two of us." Tahlia and I turned our heads towrads the front door where the voice came from, and there was Jason.

"Jason!" I shouted happily and ran over to hug him. "You're back!"

"I got a break for 2 months." He said. Jason is a guitar teacher in Italy. He lives in Italy now, so I barely see him. He's good on guitar, and he was the one who teached Niall most of what he can.

"That's great!" I said. "But where are you gonna stay?"

"Mom and Dad is letting me stay in the basement. Because when I was gone, a certain little one stole my room." He replied. With a ceartain little one, he means our little brother, Taylor. Taylor is 15 and a half. Jason calls him 'little one' because he's pretty short.

"Why don't stay in my old room?" I said.

"Because Mom made it as an art room. It's paint and stuff all over the room." He replied.

"Yeah, that makes sence. She has always loved art." I said.

"Yeah, she has.." He said. "But anyways.. Where's Darcy?"

"She's upstairs in her room." I replied. "I was just gonna take her to the park. Wanna come with us?"

"I can't. I have to unpack my stuff." He replied. "We can do it another time, though. I don't have any plans for the next 2 months, so.."

"I have plans only this Wednesday. Darcy has this little play group she goes to where she meet another kids at her age and then they play together. This Wednesday is the last day." I said.

"Sounds fun." He said with his voice full of sarcasm.

"I hear you sarcasm." I said and rolled my eyes. "I'm gonna go and get Darcy, so I'll be back soon."

"Okay." He replied. I headed upstairs and into Darcy's room. She sat on the floor playing with her Anna and Elsa dolls. She also has the Hans, Olaf and Kristoff dolls.

"Hey, Darcy." I said and knelt down to her. "Guess who's here?"

"Grandma?" She guessed.

"Try again."


"Why don't you just go downstairs and check?" I suggested. She nodded and headed out of her room. I helped her down the stairs and watched as her face lit up when she saw Jason.

"Uncle Jason!" She shouted happily and ran over to him and hugged his legs.

"Hi there, Darcy." Jason replied and picked her up.

"Why were you away so long?" Darcy asked.

"Because I was in Italy teaching people how to play guitar." He replied.

"What is a guitar?"

"It's an instrument. You play on the strings and then it comes sound out of it." He replied.

"Can you play music with it?" She asked.

"Yes, you can. There's guitar in most songs all over the world." He replied. I love seeing how much Darcy and Jason goes along. Jason is like her second father.

"I'm heading upstairs to get ready for my date with Alex." Tahlia said and headed upstairs. I nodded at her.

"Yeah, and I better get home and unpack. See you later, Amy." He smiled at me. Then he sat Darcy back on the floor. "You too, Ducky."

"Don't call me that! My name is Darcy!" Darcy said.

"Whatever you say." Jason chuckled. "Bye!" He said and headed outside.

As soon as he left, I asked Darcy; "Wanna go to the park?"

"Yaay!" She cheered.

"Then let's go!"


Sorry if there is any spelling mistakes! Picture of Darcy on the side --->

Little Angel // niall horanTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon