Chapter 16

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I immediately felt a lump in my throat. I wanted to cry hearing he was in the hospital, but I couldn't. I was trying to get over him, and Louis coming in and saying this wasn't helping at all.

"Why-Why are you telling me this?" Gosh, did I really have to stutter?

"Because he wants you there." Louis replied. "He woke up only 15 minutes ago, and the first thing he said was 'where's Amy?'. So I told him I'd go and find you."

"But I can't go.." I said trying ot make up an excuse.

"Why not?" He asked.

"Darcy is asleep and I can't just leave her here." I replied. He gave me a look.

"He's at the hospital and can barely tilt his head, and you say you can't go because your daughter is sleeping?"

"There's a lot you don't know.." I said. "Niall and I fought earlier, and I told him to leave me alone and never come back."

"Just please do this for him." He said. "He needs this."

"Fine, I'll go get Darcy." I said and got up from the couch. I headed upstairs and into Darcy's room. "Darcy, you have to get up." I said as I walked closer to her bed. She sowly opened her eyes. "We're gonna visit Daddy."

"Yay!" She cheered and sat up in her bed. I picked her up and didn't bother change her clothes. I carried her downstairs to where Louis was waiting.

I sat Darcy down before I put on my shoes and jacket. I helped Darcy put on her shoes and jacket and then we headed outside.

"My car is standing a bit down the road." Louis said. I nodded and grabbed Darcy's hand.

"Where is Daddy?" She asked.

"He's at the hospital." I replied and watched as her face fell. "But don't worry. He'll be okay. I promise you."

"I don't have a car seat for Darcy, so just let her sit in your lap or something." Louis said as we reached the car. I nodded and picked up Darcy. I sat inside the car and put Darcy in my lap.

"What happened to him?" I asked as Louis started the car.

"He got hit by a car." He said and started driving. "He told us he was going out, and then he never came back. Later we got a call from the hopsital saying he got hit by a car."

"Is he okay?" I asked.

"He's in a lot of pain for the moment, but he'll be alright. He jus has to use a cast and take it slow for some weeks." He replied.

"It's weird.." I said.

"What's weird?" He asked.

"Everytime I think I've seen Niall for the last time, he always shows up again."

"That's because the universe wants you together." He said. "You guys are meant for each other, I just know it."

"If we're meant to be, then why does he keep hurting me?" I asked just as Louis stopped the car. We got out of it and I let Darcy walk on her own feet. Poor Darcy don't have a clue what we're talking about.

"He's just scared, Amy. Scared to do something wrong and lose you again." He replied. "He thinks he does things right, but everything he does ends up wrong. You just have to give him a chance."

"What about his girlfriend?" I asked.

"Ask Niall about it. I promised I wouldn't say anything about that." He replied. I just nodded. We were now in a long hallway of the hospital. "His room isn't far away now."

"Where is Daddy?" Darcy asked while poking my leg.

"Not far away." I said and shot her a weak smile.

"Here it is." Louis stopped by a door that looked exactly the same as all the other doors. Hospitals are just boring. I think they would do better with some colors in it. That would make the patients more happy.

"Does he even know I'm coming?" I asked as he was about to open the door.

"I don't know.. But whatever. He'll be happy anyways." He said and opened the door. We headed inside it and I wanted to break down crying as soon as I saw him. He looked so.. lifeless. His eyes were closed and his skin was pale.

"No.." I whispered feeling tears starting to form in my eyes.

"He's just sleeping, Amy.. Relax." I heard Zayn say from behind me. I looked behind me to see him, Harry and Liam sitting there.

"Thank god.." I said. "I thought he was dead."

"You said Daddy was here!" Darcy said.

"He is here.." I said and picked her up. "Wanna see him?" I asked and she nodded. I cartied her over to his bed and felt a tear roll down my cheek.

"What happened to Daddy?" She asked.

"He got hurt by a car." I replied. "But he'll be okay."

"Daddy?" She asked him. "Daddy?" She asked louder when she noticed he hadn't heard her.

"He's sleeping, Darcy. You have to wait for him to wake up." I told her. "Go play with the guys over there, okay? Mummy needs some time to think." I said and put her on the floor. She nodded and ran over to Zayn, Liam and Harry. Louis was sitting in a chair next to Niall's bed.

I spotted two chairs in the corner, so I walked over to it and sat down in one of them. I wish none of this happened. I wish I didn't get so mad at him for the whole 'Vanessa-thing'. Then maybe he wouldn't be here.

"You okay?" Louis asked as he sat down in the chair next to me. I nodded even though I wasn't okay. I wasn't okay at all. "Then why are you crying?"

"I'm not crying?"

"Yeah, you are. You have tears on your cheeks." He said. I quickly wiped them away and looked down in my lap. "Tell me what's on your mind."

"It's just.." I couldn't find the right words. "My Dad died about a week ago, and now I'm afraid that Niall will die too."

"He won't die. He was awake before I came over to you, so he isn't dead. He's just sleeping for now." He said. "But something tells me that's not everything."

I looked up at him before saying; "I love him. I told him to leave me alone, and that's because I was jealous. He got a girlfriend and looked so happy with her. So I got mad and told him to forget about me. I should've told him what I felt about him earlier. Now I'm too late. He makes me happy, and now I can't have him. I love him, Louis, and I don't know what to do anymore."


It's my birthday today!! Yay!

- Sarah xx

PS. I'm turning 16. Just so you know it.

PPS. I'm tired.

PPPS. Bye.

PPPPS. - Sarah xx

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